SAP / ui5-webcomponents

UI5 Web Components - the enterprise-flavored sugar on top of native APIs! Build SAP Fiori user interfaces with the technology of your choice.
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[DatePicker/DateTimePicker/DateRangePicker]: [a11y] Calendar Popover should have accessibleName #9280

Closed lormanlau1 closed 1 week ago

lormanlau1 commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug

The accessibleName is currently only applied to the input when using screen reader. Popover is reading the title of the page, needs a way to add accessible name to the calendar popover

Isolated Example

Reproduction steps

  1. Open screenreader program (JAWS 2024)
  2. Focus on the Input of the DatePickers
  3. Hit F4 and observe that the screen reader is reading the title of the tab.

Expected Behaviour

We want a way to be able to modify the popover accessible name with a different label than the input itself. We expect it not to read the title of the tab.

Screenshots or Videos

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 1 42 52 PM

UI5 Web Components for React Version


UI5 Web Components Version




Operating System

No response

Additional Context

JAWS version 2024.2405.48

Relevant log output

No response


SAP SuccessFactors


Lukas742 commented 1 week ago

Thanks for reporting! I'll forward this issue to our UI5 Web Components Colleagues as the affected component is developed in their repository.

unazko commented 1 week ago

Hello @lormanlau1,

We already had an report about this issue: and the issue is fixed via the following PR:

Best regards, Boyan