SAP / ui5-webcomponents

UI5 Web Components - the enterprise-flavored sugar on top of native APIs! Build SAP Fiori user interfaces with the technology of your choice.
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refactor(ui5-multi-combobox): integrate the new Popover API #9282

Open ndeshev opened 1 week ago

ndeshev commented 1 week ago

adopt the Popover's 'open' and 'close' properties

nikoletavnv commented 4 days ago

In mobile mode: Find the mcb with id "mcb-select-all", click on the input - dialog with items is opened. Write "in" in the dialog input and the list is filtered to show only 1 item with text "in". Select this item. The dialog is closed immediately and the mcb has both set token "in" and text value "in". In the nightly build only a token is created. Also it is strange that the dialog closes immediately when checking the checkbox or pressing the item at first open( valid for both this branch and the nightly build). At next open of dialog with items, checking the checkbox of an item itself does not close the dialog immediately.