SAP / ui5-webcomponents

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[SF][1.25.1][Table][A11y][Expected Fixed Time: ASAP] Loss of focus and unable to access interactive content within each row in small screen size #9288

Open wilson-xu-sap opened 5 days ago

wilson-xu-sap commented 5 days ago

Bug Description This issue has not been handled. This issue is an reopened one of that.

Affected Component

No response

Expected Behaviour

There is no way to tab inside each row to access the links and quick card within each row in small screen size for example 320px

Isolated Example

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Click the URL
  2. Change the screen size to 320px
  3. When using tab key for access the accessible elements from each rows, you will find it cannot be access inside for each row

Log Output, Stack Trace or Screenshots




UI5 Web Components Version




Operating System

No response

Additional Context

No response


No response


kineticjs commented 4 days ago

Hello, @SAP/UI5-webcomponents-topic-core,

The reported issue is that the user cannot access the interactive controls inside the table rows with popin using keyboard.. The described issue also reproduces on the TableSelection.html test page: -- On a wider screen (when no pop-in) the user can select the "Active" button using 'tab' key (given they previously focused the wrapping row) -- On a narrower screen (when pop-in is rendered) the tab key does not focus the "Active" button

I could not find in the KBH spec an instruction to select interactive content inside table rows via tab key. But I found the following recommendation for F2 key instead, which also seems unsupported in ui5-table in popin mode:

KBH spec excerpt: "F2: If focus is on a cell, and cell has focusable content, switch keyboard mode from “Navigation” mode to “Edit” mode. Move focus to the first focusable content control."

Would you please comment if the observed behavior is a bug or a feature?