SAP / ui5-webcomponents

UI5 Web Components - the enterprise-flavored sugar on top of native APIs! Build SAP Fiori user interfaces with the technology of your choice.
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Cannot make Table Column Title text align to right #9297

Open TinaC opened 3 days ago

TinaC commented 3 days ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? In Fiori guide, it request if a table title is description a Date, it should align to the right:


But I could not set it as the style is in the shadow root:

Describe the solution you'd like

Add a TextAlign property in TableColumn

Describe alternatives you've considered

No response

Additional Context

No response




Lukas742 commented 3 days ago

Hi @TinaC

we moved to StackBlitz as our preferred web IDE/sandbox as it's not possible anymore to edit codeSandboxes with a free plan.

I think setting the horizontal alignment of the cells is already possible by leveraging the part pseudo element selector.

.dateColHeader::part(column) {
  text-align: end;

.dateColCell::part(cell) {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: flex-end;

Since this implementation does change the display type of the content cells, I'm not sure if this can have side-effects though. Therefore I'm going to transfer this issue to the ui5-webcomponents repo, because the Table and all of its subcomponents are developed there.

Also, aligning cell content gets easier with the new Table that will be introduced in the 2.0 release of @ui5/webcomponents (nightly docs). V2 is currently in release candidate state, but will be released in July. We (@ui5/webcomponents-react) are also currently in the process of preparing our 2.0 release, but we can't tell exactly yet when it's going to be available.

DonkeyCo commented 3 days ago

Hi @TinaC,

as @Lukas742 mentioned, we are currently working on a new Table implementation, which includes the possibility to change the alignment of header cells and cells.

There is currently PR, that will introduce this feature.

kineticjs commented 3 days ago

Hello @SAP/ui5-webcomponents-topic-core,

As you can see of the last comment of @Lukas742, he already proposed an app-side solution for this CSS layout issue, utilizing the part pseudo element selector. Would you as owners also have a look and comment is there are known side effects from changing the "display" property of the table cell from "contents" to "flex", as @Lukas742 suggested.
