SAPikachu / amae-koromo

雀魂牌谱屋 (See also: )
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Update korean translation #61

Closed limgit closed 3 years ago

limgit commented 3 years ago

Add ko translations for fields added since 0732c0e01db6d33ca4e393064abbbc0b6577eab0 commit.


Whenever the new translation fields are added, could you update the "ko" section as well with Japanese translation? For example, for the fields related to this PR:

  "ko": {
    "立直好型": "立直良形",
    "好型立直局数 / 立直局数\n听牌两种或以上即视为好型,不论残枚数\n(数据从 2021/9/10 前后开始收集)": "良形立直回数 / 立直回数\n二面以上待ちの聴牌が良形と見なされます。残り枚数は問いません。\n(この数値は 2021/9/10 ごろから集計しています)",
    "局": "戦",

Whenever I see such field (i.e., japanese in ko translation), I will send PR to update Korean translation.

I could just check the diff in translations.json to determine which fields are added, but it would be way more easier when new untranslated fields are added on "ko" section :). Thanks!

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SAPikachu commented 3 years ago

I see, thank you very much! Will do that next time. :)