SAPikachu / icomoon-build

Build IcoMoon project in Node
MIT License
27 stars 9 forks source link

Generated sass file empty no errors #12

Closed lbineau closed 7 years ago

lbineau commented 7 years ago

Does the project still work ? I tried to generate from the project json file of icomoon but doesn't work. No error in the console (if the json is not good the console throw errors so it is not "hidden" errors). Is someone facing the same issue or try to reproduce with the given json below ?




// Script-generated file, do not modify by hand

@mixin icon-classes {

icomoon.svg (the other font files are also generated)

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "" >
<svg xmlns="">
<metadata>Generated by IcoMoon</metadata>
<font id="icomoon" horiz-adv-x="1024">
<font-face units-per-em="1024" ascent="960" descent="-64" />
<missing-glyph horiz-adv-x="1024" />
<glyph unicode="&#x20;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="" />


  "metadata": {
    "name": "myproject",
    "lastOpened": 1418773394855,
    "created": 1472722795664
  "iconSets": [
      "selection": [
          "order": 0,
          "id": 0,
          "name": "youtube"
      "id": 0,
      "metadata": {
        "name": "Untitled Set",
        "importSize": {
          "width": 400,
          "height": 400
      "height": 1024,
      "prevSize": 32,
      "icons": [
          "id": 0,
          "paths": [
            "M953.946 307.359c-4.337-36.204-16.663-70.996-36.050-101.855-22.098-27.405-55.004-43.843-90.15-45.074-126.221-9.024-315.523-9.024-315.523-9.024s-189.322 0-315.523 10.365c-35.195 1.167-68.119 17.631-90.148 45.074-19.282 30.415-31.452 64.773-35.615 100.513 0 0-9.462 82.931-9.462 165.883v77.98c0 82.931 9.001 165.86 9.001 165.86 4.114 36.273 16.443 71.109 36.073 101.878 25.882 27.668 61.737 43.912 99.612 45.076 72.102 8.561 306.058 8.561 306.058 8.561s189.302 0 315.523-10.826c35.146-1.236 68.052-17.679 90.15-45.076 19.233-30.897 31.406-65.697 35.584-101.857 0 0 9.024-82.929 9.024-165.88v-75.715c0.468-82.952-8.556-165.883-8.556-165.883zM419.807 647.227v-289.841l242.962 144.246-242.962 145.595z"
          "attrs": [
          "isMulticolor": false,
          "isMulticolor2": false,
          "grid": 0,
          "tags": [
      "invisible": false,
      "colorThemes": []
  "preferences": {
    "showGlyphs": true,
    "showQuickUse": true,
    "showQuickUse2": true,
    "showSVGs": true,
    "fontPref": {
      "prefix": "icon-",
      "metadata": {
        "fontFamily": "icomoon"
      "metrics": {
        "emSize": 1024,
        "baseline": 6.25,
        "whitespace": 50
      "embed": false
    "imagePref": {
      "prefix": "icon-",
      "png": true,
      "useClassSelector": true,
      "color": 0,
      "bgColor": 16777215,
      "classSelector": ".icon"
    "historySize": 100,
    "showCodes": true,
    "gridSize": 16
  "uid": -1,
  "time": 1479225913421
SAPikachu commented 7 years ago

I imported your project file to IcoMoon app and found that no icon is selected even though the icon is included in project. After clicking the icon to select it and save the project, I can generate SCSS file without issue.

lbineau commented 7 years ago

Thank you didn't notice that I have to select them :)