SASDigitalHumanitiesTraining / TextEncoding

Text Encoding for Ancient and Modern Literature, Languages and History
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Two different speakers for one line (poetry/drama) #16

Closed ClaDan closed 2 years ago

ClaDan commented 3 years ago

I am trying to encode a Roman play which is written in verse. How may I indicate that a character's cue begins within the same metrical line as the end of a previous cue? When I add another "speech" or "speaker" element, my "l" tag appears to be ill-formed.

TEI sample Miles gloriosus

Thank you very much!

gabrielbodard commented 3 years ago

Ah, this is a slightly complex one. Your XML is indeed ill-formed, since you have an <l> starting inside a <sp> but the speech ending before the line does. The best solution to this is probably to break the verse line into two <l> tags, with attributes to make clear that it is a single line, e.g.:

<l part-"I">sed ubi Artotrogus hic est?</l></sp>
<sp><l part="F">Artotrogus Stat propter virum</l>

Where part="I" and part="F" mean "this tag is the initial part of a single line" and "this tag is the final part of a single line," respectively.

If you number the lines, you could repeat the @n on these two half-lines, to make it even clearer to the reader what is going on.