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Honorific inscription from Aphrodisias (working thread) #17

Closed samosafuz closed 2 years ago

samosafuz commented 3 years ago
Screen Shot 2021-05-19 at 11 36 34 AM
samosafuz commented 3 years ago

Here's a first pass at the teiHeader

                <title>Posthumous honours for ?Nikoteimos Hierax</title>
                <authority>Inscriptions of Aphrodisias</authority>
                <idno type="iAph">iAph120003</idno>
                        <repository>in situ</repository>
                                    <material>white marble</material>
                                    <dimensions unit="metre">
<!--I'm not sure I have the conventional order of dimensions right, or whether I've mapped them accurately-->
                                        <objectType>right side of base</objectType>
                                <layout>description of text field/campus</layout>
                            <handNote>description of letters, possibly including <height>letter-heights</height>
                            <origPlace><placeName><settlement ref="">Aphrodisias</settlement></placeName></origPlace>
                            <origDate notBefore="0001" notAfter="0100">First century AD</origDate>
                        <provenance type="found" when="1893">
                                <settlement ref="">Aphrodisias</settlement>
                            <p>Walls, North: fallen from the north wall of the Stadium</p>
                        <provenance type="observed" when="1961">
                                <settlement ref="">Aphrodisias</settlement>
                            <p>Walls, North: fallen from the north wall of the Stadium</p>

From experience with papyri, I placed the gazetteer @ref with <provenance> instead of <origPlace>. I was also surprised not to find this in the Trismegistos database, though it does appear in PHI. Is there a reason for that?

gabrielbodard commented 3 years ago

I think Inscriptions of Aphrodisias use W x H x D, yes (we normally say so in the page—as here—but thanks to a bug in the markup that's missing from this one. Gazetteer reference looks good—it looks like you've tagged it in all three places, which is fine. (Although technically origPlace should point to an ancient place, and provenance to a modern place, e.g. in Geonames, that's not a distinction scholars conventionally stick to…) There might also be an urban gazetteer to which we could point for the "north walls".

CarolineRichard commented 3 years ago

image Here is my little work. I am not really familiar with the encoding of non litterary stuff. I had actually some doubts about the references, and I have the same problem in my own research : the text (or inscription or whatever) we encode is most of the time due to someone else's transcription or philological work. How and where do we indicate it : as a part of the sourcedesc ? Or the publicationStmt ? I first wanted to put it in the sourceDesc but didn't find how. It's the same for litterary texts : how do I put the editors of the text I use ?

CarolineRichard commented 3 years ago
            <title>Posthumous honours for <persName>?Nikoteimos Hierax</persName></title>
          <authority>"Preliminary transcription (Reynolds); Gaudin; Kubitschek; publications This edition Roueché and Bodard (2007)."</authority>
           <idno ana="iAph">iAph120003</idno>
                           <material>white marble</material>
                        <origDate>First century AD</origDate>
                        <origPlace>North, fallen from the north wall of the Stadium</origPlace>
                  <provenance type="found" when ="1893">1961</provenance>
                  <acquisition>Published by Reinach, from Gaudin's squeeze, REG 19, 1906, 215, no. 103; by Cormack, from the MAMA records, MAMA 8, no. 483, whence McCabe PHI Aphrodisias</acquisition>
         <p><lb n="1"/><supplied reason = "lost">ἡ βουλὴ καὶ ὁ δῆμο</supplied>ς̣ καὶ
<lb n="2"/><supplied unit="chars">ἡ γερουσία ἐτεί</supplied>μ̣ησαν
<lb n="3"/><supplied unit="chars">ταῖς πρώται</supplied>ς̣ τειμαῖς̣
<lb n="4"/><supplied unit="chars">Νεικότειμον Ἀρ</supplied>τεμιδώ-
<lb n="5"/><supplied unit="chars">ρου τοῦ Ζήνων</supplied>ος Ἱέρα-
<lb n="6"/><supplied unit="chars">κα ἄνδρα φιλόδ</supplied>ο̣ξον κα<supplied reason="unclear">[ὶ]</supplied>
<lb n="7"/><supplied unit="chars">φιλόπολιν γέ</supplied>νους πρώ-
<lb n="8"/><supplied unit="chars">του καὶ συνεκ</supplied>τικότος
<lb n="9"/><supplied unit="chars">τὴν πατρίδα γυ</supplied>μνασιαρ-
<lb n="10"/><supplied unit="chars">χήσαντα καὶ</supplied> ἑστιάσαν̣-
<lb n="11"/><supplied unit="chars">τα τὸν δῆμον</supplied> καὶτ<gap reason="lost" extent="unkown" unit="chars"/>
<lb n="12"/><gap extent="unknown" reason="lost" unit="lines"/> </p>

Sorry, the screenshot was not really readable ! Here it is.

gabrielbodard commented 3 years ago

@CarolineRichard : a couple of brief notes on your encoding.

Nice work!

CarolineRichard commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much for commenting ! I modified my TEI file using the EpiDoc schema.

ἡ βουλὴ καὶ ὁ δῆμος καὶ ἡ γερουσία ἐτείμησαν ταῖς πρώταιςτειμαῖς̣ Νεικότειμον Ἀρτεμιδώ- ρου τοῦ Ζήνωνος Ἱέρα- κα ἄνδρα φιλόδοξον κα φιλόπολιν γένους πρώ- του καὶ συνεκτικότος τὴν πατρίδα γυμνασιαρ- χήσαντα καὶ ἑστιάσαν τα τὸν δῆμον καὶτ