SASDigitalHumanitiesTraining / TextEncoding

Text Encoding for Ancient and Modern Literature, Languages and History
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Technical help with Recogito annotation exercise #5

Closed gabrielbodard closed 3 years ago

gabrielbodard commented 3 years ago

If you have any technical or practical issues with the Recogito annotation exercise, please write about them in this thread. You may also keep an eye on this thread in case you are able to help any of your colleagues with an issue you were able to resolve yourself.

MelitaThomas commented 3 years ago

I am unable to reach the assigned text in Recogito, even though I am logged in. When I click on the link from the workshop page, it returns

None of the configured nodes are available: [{#transport#-1}{phVSI4tTQgyRf5CtIguMdg}{localhost}{}]

I have tried all three links, and receive the same error. Is anyone else having this problem?


cmohge1 commented 3 years ago

Yes I had the same problem this morning, but it is working for me now.

gabrielbodard commented 3 years ago

@MelitaThomas Is it working for you today?

sergiobassocina commented 3 years ago

I want to adjust the position of a tag I did on Tabula Rogeriana. I misplaced the point for Mantua. Can I simply change the position of a point I have already tagged on the Tabula Rogeriana or do I have to delete the whole point+tags and restart? In the second case, no matter how many times I ask to delete it, it won't work.

gabrielbodard commented 3 years ago

@sergiobassocina That's odd. Are you still logged in? You should be able to move the annotation by selecting the small "hand" tool above the map, and then dragging it. (But you should also be able to delete your own annotations at any time.)

sergiobassocina commented 3 years ago

unfortunately I am not. I had a sense that the browser wasn’t refreshing, though. Chrome on mac os 13.3.1

gabrielbodard commented 3 years ago

@sergiobassocina Can you confirm that you are still logged in? Recogito will time you out after only a few minutes of inactivity, so you may need to re-login every now and again.

sergiobassocina commented 3 years ago

Okay, thank you for your suggestion!:). No, I am not logged in. “Unfortunately I am not” was referred to your question “Are you online?”