SASE-Space / ot-openness-comparison

Comparison of openness within various OT platforms
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CodeSys isn't hardware indepedent #5

Closed RalphKoettlitz closed 3 months ago

RalphKoettlitz commented 3 months ago

CodeSys is from the perspective of a enduser not hardware independent, since PLC suppliers have to supply a special library. An example is Exor. I can't even update an older PLC without updating the firmware.

TheColonel2688 commented 3 months ago

It is... just not for Embedded IO...

It can run on Linux or Windows on x86 or Arm... All you need is Remote IO that is connectable from any of the supported fieldbuses.... of which there are MANY. If codesys isn't hardware independent then no PLC platform is...

We are talking about Codeys Vanilla, that is supplied directly from Codesys to end users.

zantiu commented 3 months ago

Codesys is also already running on some of the OPA testbeds, which are by definition hardware independent.

Chaser commented 3 months ago

Codesys can be run on x86 for as little as $29 EUR now -

TheColonel2688 commented 3 months ago


ARM too now