Updates to how reprocess_SIG QCs. Previously was using along-beam HR velocity variance as a flag for bad pings, but this prevented dissipation estimates under storm conditions. Loosened the criteria for computing dissipation rate. Prefer to compute dissipation and then use QC flags saved in SIG structure to evaluate quality after the fact. Also added NaNstruct and NaNstructR which NaNs out an entire structure to help with missing timesteps/data.
Updates to how reprocess_SIG QCs. Previously was using along-beam HR velocity variance as a flag for bad pings, but this prevented dissipation estimates under storm conditions. Loosened the criteria for computing dissipation rate. Prefer to compute dissipation and then use QC flags saved in SIG structure to evaluate quality after the fact. Also added NaNstruct and NaNstructR which NaNs out an entire structure to help with missing timesteps/data.