SATAY-LL / LaanLab-SATAY-DataAnalysis

This contains codes and workflows for data analysis regarding SATAY experiments.
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Create some visualization or quantitative analysis for comparing two datasets with each other. #10

Open Gregory94 opened 4 years ago

Gregory94 commented 4 years ago

For example, using a comparison between two datasets (e.g. two different genetic backgrounds) we can get an overview which genes have a large difference in the number of transposon insertions and/or reads between the two datasets. [This note can potentially be broken down in smaller steps, but it might be good idea to start thinking about what kind of information we want to get out of it].

leilaicruz commented 4 years ago

For example, we can have a plot like this one : image

where for example we would like to see for some target genes , how the metric we choose , like: normalized density of transposons (by the reads for example) along their length , differs across genetic backgrounds.

In x and y axis will be the choosen metrics in each of the datasets (two in this case)