SATAY-LL / LaanLab-SATAY-DataAnalysis

This contains codes and workflows for data analysis regarding SATAY experiments.
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SATAY Data sequencing of WT and dnrp1 strains thanks to Agnes Michel (from Benoit lab, Oxford) #34

Open leilaicruz opened 3 years ago

leilaicruz commented 3 years ago

Status: I have the number of transposon and reads mapped per gene , but I do not have still the fastq files to our analysis using the pipeline.

Library: Each library is about 350.000 mapped insertions, which is great.

Explanation from Agnes about the technical replicates: A word about where "a" and "b" are coming from: when I split the ligation mix, I simply transferred half of the ligation into a fresh tube, and as usual added the PCR mix to the ligation. The reaction from the original tube was labeled "a" The reaction from the fresh tube was labeled "b". "a" and "b" were barcoded with different indexes.

Particularities of my WT with respect Agnes WT For ex SPR6, SUT1, GEF1, etc In many of those cases , it seems that those genes are essential in your WT but not in mine

Link to the data visualization in genome browser :