SAnsell / CombLayer

MCNP(X) project builder using C++
GNU General Public License v3.0
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activeDivideTemplate uses CellMap to name the layers #116

Closed kbat closed 3 years ago

kbat commented 4 years ago

This PR adds a possibility to name the layers produced by layerProcess. I need the names in order to assign importances to the cells produced with layerProcess (using the --wIMP argument). To implement this, I suggest to add a new parameter, CellMap to the surfDivide::activeDivideTemplate method. If cell map of the component is provided AND the original cell is named then the layers are named by adding the layer number to the original cell name. Nothing happens if cell map is not provided, so it does not affect the old code.

sonarcloud[bot] commented 4 years ago

Kudos, SonarCloud Quality Gate passed!

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