SBDPlugins / VehiclesPlus

Information about the VehiclesPlus plugin.
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Wall/fence Driving #156

Open SatireShadow opened 1 year ago

SatireShadow commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug
When trying to drive over a retractable cobblestone wall (for example in a fence using a piston.) It prevents your vehicle from moving at all.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Spawn a car
  2. Enter it
  3. Drive over a retractable fence/wall gate (or stairs)
  4. See error

Expected behavior
The car should be able to smoothly go up stairs and over cobblestone walls as long as it is not climbing it in a unnatural way. Screenshots or Video Recordings
If applicable, add screenshots or video recordings to help explain your problem.

Server and Plugin Information

Danieljunek17 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for letting us know, this feature is posted over from the v3 beta and this is indeed something I did not think of and will not work same for fences I Will look into this either tonight ot tomorrow

stijnb1234 commented 1 year ago

Did you try changing the hitbox of the related base vehicle? This might fix the problem. Do you have any errors in console?

Danieljunek17 commented 1 year ago

sadly after juggling some options to tackle this option, I came to the conclusion there is no easy way. This made me reconsider how I can do things and recode it once again but that won't be ported over to V2 since that makes it way worse in performance and should be tested a lot to tune that feature to make it more performant. If you want you can send me a message via the official discord to get the beta role and test that new feature if you want to.

Danieljunek17 commented 1 year ago

stair driving fixed in 2.4.1