SBG-Systems / sbg_ros_driver

ROS 1 driver for SBG Systems IMU/AHRS/INS units such as ELLIPSE or QUANTA.
MIT License
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Imu Data orientation using ENU #64

Closed tomlogan501 closed 2 years ago

tomlogan501 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I try the new parameters included in the version 3.0.0 and I didn't get a good configuration for the Ellipse D used. The linear acceleration is inverted in Z. image

Please find below the configuration file used under ROS. I already check the configuration of the Ellipse with sbgCenter and a binary log, the orientation is fine. Should I inverse Y axis in sbgCenter ? Will it invalidate all the computation done onboard the Ellipse ?

# Configuration file for SBG device through an Uart interface.

  # Node frequency (Hz)
  # Note: The frequency should be at least two times higher than the highest
  #       output frequency.
  #       The frequency can be reduced in order to reduce CPU consumption but
  #       it can lead to miss data frame and less accurate time stamping.
  frequency: 400

# Configuration of the device with ROS.
confWithRos: false

# Uart configuration
  # Port Name
  portName: "/dev/ttyS0"

  # Baude rate (4800 ,9600 ,19200 ,38400 ,115200 [default],230400 ,460800 ,921600)
  baudRate: 115200

  # Port Id
  # 0 PORT_A: Main communication interface. Full duplex.
  # 1 PORT_B: Auxiliary input interface for RTCM
  # 2 PORT_C: Auxiliary communication interface. Full duplex.
  # 3 PORT_D: Auxiliary input interface
  # 4 PORT_E: Auxiliary input/output interface
  portID: 0

# Sensor Parameters
  # Initial latitude (°)
  initLat: 48.419727
  # Initial longitude (°)
  initLong: -4.472119
  # Initial altitude (above WGS84 ellipsoid) (m)
  initAlt: 100.0
  # Year at startup
  year: 2021
  # month in year at startup
  month: 08
  # day in month at startup
  day: 05

  # Montion profile ID
  # 1 GENERAL_PURPOSE Should be used as a default when other profiles do not apply
  # 2 AUTOMOTIVE      Dedicated to car applications
  # 3 MARINE          Used in marine and underwater applications
  # 4 AIRPLANE        For fixed wings aircraft
  # 5 HELICOPTER      For rotary wing aircraft
  motionProfile: 2

  # IMU X axis direction in vehicle frame
  # 0 ALIGNMENT_FORWARD   IMU Axis is turned in vehicle's forward direction
  # 1 ALIGNMENT_BACKWARD  IMU Axis is turned in vehicle's backward direction
  # 2 ALIGNMENT_LEFT      IMU Axis is turned in vehicle's left direction
  # 3 ALIGNMENT_RIGHT     IMU Axis is turned in vehicle's right direction
  # 4 ALIGNMENT_UP        IMU Axis is turned in vehicle's up direction
  # 5 ALIGNMENT_DOWN      IMU Axis is turned in vehicle's down direction
  axisDirectionX: 0
  # IMU Y axis direction in vehicle frame
  # 0 ALIGNMENT_FORWARD   IMU Axis is turned in vehicle's forward direction
  # 1 ALIGNMENT_BACKWARD  IMU Axis is turned in vehicle's backward direction
  # 2 ALIGNMENT_LEFT      IMU Axis is turned in vehicle's left direction
  # 3 ALIGNMENT_RIGHT     IMU Axis is turned in vehicle's right direction
  # 4 ALIGNMENT_UP        IMU Axis is turned in vehicle's up direction
  # 5 ALIGNMENT_DOWN      IMU Axis is turned in vehicle's down direction
  axisDirectionY: 2  # Residual roll error after axis alignment rad
  misRoll: 0
  # Residual pitch error after axis alignment rad
  misPitch: 0
  # Residual yaw error after axis alignment rad
  misYaw: 0
  # X Primary lever arm in IMU X axis (once IMU alignment is applied) m
  leverArmX: 0
  # Y Primary lever arm in IMU Y axis (once IMU alignment is applied) m
  leverArmY: 0
  # Z Primary lever arm in IMU Z axis (once IMU alignment is applied) m
  leverArmZ: 0

# Note: GNSS1 module configuration can only be set to an external port on Ellipse-E version.
# Ellipse-N users must set this module to MODULE_INTERNAL. On the other hand, rtcmModule is only
# available for Ellipse-N users. This module must be set to MODULE_DISABLED for other users.
  # GNSS module port assignment:
  # 255 Module is disabled
  # 1 Module connected on PORT_B
  # 2 Module connected on PORT_C
  # 3 Module connected on PORT_D
  # 5 Module is connected internally
  gnss1ModulePortAssignment: 5
  # GNSS module sync assignment:
  # 0 Module is disabled
  # 1 Synchronization is done using SYNC_IN_A pin
  # 2 Synchronization is done using SYNC_IN_B pin
  # 3 Synchronization is done using SYNC_IN_C pin
  # 4 Synchronization is done using SYNC_IN_D pin
  # 5 Synchronization is internal
  # 6 Synchronization is done using SYNC_OUT_A pin
  # 7 Synchronization is done using SYNC_OUT_B pin

  # RTCM input port assignment for Ellipse-N DGPS
  rtcmPortAssignment: 4
  # Odometer module pin assignment
  # 0 Odometer is disabled
  # 1 Odometer connected only to ODO_A (unidirectional).
  # 2 Odometer connected to both ODO_A (signal A) and ODO_B (Signal B or direction) for bidirectional odometer.
  odometerPinAssignment: 2

  # Magnetometer model ID
  # 201 Should be used in most applications
  # 202 Should be used in disturbed magnetic environment
  magnetometerModel: 201
  # Magnetometer rejection mode
  # 0 Measurement is not taken into account
  # 1 Measurement is rejected if inconsistent with current estimate (depending on error model)
  # 2 Measurement is always accepted
  magnetometerRejectMode: 0

  # Theses parameters are only used for a calibration run
    # 1 2D Tell the device that the magnetic calibration will be performed with limited motions. 
    #     This calibration mode is only designed to be used when roll and pitch motions are less than ± 5°. 
    #     To work correctly, the device should be rotated through at least a full circle.
    # 2 3D Tell the device to start a full 3D magnetic calibration procedure. The 3D magnetic calibration offers the best accuracy
    mode: 2

    # 0 LOW_BW Use this parameter in case of strong magnetic noise during calibration. 
    #     Motion during calibration is then limited to slow rotations.
    # 1 MEDIUM_BW Tell the device that medium dynamics will be observed during the magnetic calibration process. 
    #     It can be used in case of medium magnetic noise during calibration process. Medium dynamics are used during calibration.
    # 2 HIGH_BW This parameter is suitable to most applications. It can be used when the dynamics during calibration are relatively high.
    bandwidth: 2

# GNSS configuration
# Note: Secondary level arms should only be considered in case of dual antenna GNSS receiver. It can be left to 0 otherwise.
  # Gnss Model Id
  # 101 Used on Ellipse-N to setup the internal GNSS in GPS+GLONASS
  # 102 Default mode for Ellipse-E connection to external GNSS
  # 103 Used on Ellipse-N to setup the internal GNSS in GPS+BEIDOU
  # 104 Used on Ellipse-E to setup a connection to ublox in read only mode.
  # 106 Used on Ellipse-E to setup a connection to Novatel receiver in read only mode.
  # 107 Used on Ellipse-D by default
  gnss_model_id: 107

  #GNSS primary antenna lever arm in IMU X axis (m)
  primaryLeverArmX: -0.025
  #GNSS primary antenna lever arm in IMU Y axis (m)
  primaryLeverArmY: -0.034
  #GNSS primary antenna lever arm in IMU Z axis (m)
  primaryLeverArmZ: -0.455
  #GNSS primary antenna precise. Set to true if the primary lever arm has been accurately entered and doesn't need online re-estimation.
  primaryLeverPrecise: true

  #GNSS secondary antenna lever arm in IMU X axis (m)
  secondaryLeverArmX: -1.559
  #GNSS secondary antenna lever arm in IMU Y axis (m)
  secondaryLeverArmY: -0.247
  #GNSS secondary antenna lever arm in IMU Z axis (m)
  secondaryLeverArmZ: -0.350

  # Secondary antenna operating mode.
  # 1 The GNSS will be used in single antenna mode only and the secondary lever arm is not used.
  # 2 [Reserved] The GNSS dual antenna information will be used but the secondary lever arm is not known.
  # 3 The GNSS dual antenna information will be used and we have a rough guess for the secondary lever arm.
  # 4 The GNSS dual antenna information will be used and the secondary lever arm is accurately entered and doesn't need online re-estimation.
  secondaryLeverMode: 4

  # Rejection mode for position
  # 0 Measurement is not taken into account
  # 1 Measurement is rejected if inconsistent with current estimate (depending on error model)
  # 2 Measurement is always accepted
  posRejectMode: 1
  # Rejection mode for velocity (see posRejectMode values)
  velRejectMode: 1
  # Rejection mode for true heading (see posRejectMode values)
  hdtRejectMode: 1

# Odometer configuration
  # Odometer's gain Pulses/m
  gain: 652
  # User gain average error (%)
  gain_error: 90 
  # Odometer's direction
  # 0: positive
  # 1: negative
  direction: 1

  # Odometer lever arm in IMU X axis (m)
  leverArmX: -1.32
  # Odometer lever arm in IMU Y axis (m)
  leverArmY: -0.48
  # Odometer lever arm in IMU Z axis (m)
  leverArmZ: 2

  # Odometer rejection mode
  # 0 Measurement is not taken into account
  # 1 Measurement is rejected if inconsistent with current estimate (depending on error model)
  # 2 Measurement is always accepted
  rejectMode: 1

# ToDo: event & CAN configuration

############################### Output configuration ###############################
# 0 Output is disabled
# 1 Output is generated at 200Hz
# 2 Output is generated at 100Hz
# 4 Output is generated at 50Hz
# 8 Output is generated at 25Hz
# 10 Output is generated at 20Hz
# 20 Output is generated at 10Hz
# 40 Output is generated at 5Hz
# 200 Output is generated at 1Hz
# 10000 Pulse Per Second. Same mode as above.
# 10001 Output sent when a new data is available.
# 10002 Output is generated when a new virtual odometer event occurs
# 10003 Output is generated on a Sync In A event
# 10004 Output is generated on a Sync In B event
# 10005 Output is generated on a Sync In C event
# 10006 Output is generated on a Sync In D event
  # Time reference:
  # Note: Set the time reference used to timestamp the header of the published
  #       messages.
  #       The header of the ROS standard message sensor_msgs:TimeReference is
  #       not effected by this parameter and it will be timestamped by the ROS time.
  # "ros" : ROS time (default)
  # "ins_unix" : INS absolute time referenced to UNIX epoch (00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970)
  time_reference: "ros"

  # Ros standard output:
  # Note: If true publish ROS standard messages.
  ros_standard: true

  # Frame convention:
  # Note: If true messages are expressed in the ENU convention.
  # true : ENU convention (X east, Y north, Z up)
  # false (default): NED convention (X north, Y east, Z down)
  use_enu: true

  # Frame ID:
  # Note: If the frame convention is NED so the default frame ID is (imu_link_ned)
  #       else if the convention is ENU so the default frame ID is (imu_link)
  frame_id: "imu_link"

  # Status general, clock, com aiding, solution, heave
  log_status: 200
  # Includes IMU status, acc., gyro, temp delta speeds and delta angles values
  log_imu_data: 200 #8
  # Includes roll, pitch, yaw and their accuracies on each axis
  log_ekf_euler: 0
  # Includes the 4 quaternions values
  log_ekf_quat: 200 #8
  # Position and velocities in NED coordinates with the accuracies on each axis
  log_ekf_nav: 20
  # Heave, surge and sway and accelerations on each axis for up to 4 points
  log_ship_motion: 0
  # Provides UTC time reference
  log_utc_time: 200
  # Magnetic data with associated accelerometer on each axis
  log_mag: 0
  # Magnetometer calibration data (raw buffer)
  log_mag_calib: 0
  # GPS velocities from primary or secondary GPS receiver
  log_gps1_vel: 10
  # GPS positions from primary or secondary GPS receiver
  log_gps1_pos: 10 #0
  # GPS true heading from dual antenna system
  log_gps1_hdt: 10
  # GPS 1 raw data for post processing.
  log_gps1_raw: 10
  # Provides odometer velocity
  log_odo_vel: 10
  # Event A/B/C/D Event markers sent when events are detected on a sync in pin
  log_event_a: 0
  log_event_b: 0
  log_event_c: 0
  log_event_d: 0
  # Air data
  log_air_data: 0
  # Short IMU data
  log_imu_short: 200 #8
tomlogan501 commented 2 years ago

After some tests, I confirm that the ENU convention is respected.