SBG-Systems / sbg_ros_driver

ROS 1 driver for SBG Systems IMU/AHRS/INS units such as ELLIPSE or QUANTA.
MIT License
75 stars 43 forks source link

Can't launch example Ellipse-D Series #69

Closed nachovizzo closed 2 years ago

nachovizzo commented 2 years ago

Problem Description

I'm just trying to launch the default example, ellipse-D connected to the /dev/ttyUSB0 port with no success. What sort of steps should I follow to make this work?

Firmware version


Error msg (ROS)

$ roslaunch sbg_driver sbg_ellipseD.launch
... logging to /home/rongo/.ros/log/32627272-26d1-11ec-918e-8c1645972da2/roslaunch-polenta-12652.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://polenta:42165/


 * /rosdistro: melodic
 * /rosversion: 1.14.12
 * /sbg_ellipseD/aidingAssignment/gnss1ModulePortAssignment: 5
 * /sbg_ellipseD/aidingAssignment/gnss1ModuleSyncAssignment: 5
 * /sbg_ellipseD/aidingAssignment/odometerPinAssignment: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/aidingAssignment/rtcmPortAssignment: 255
 * /sbg_ellipseD/confWithRos: True
 * /sbg_ellipseD/driver/frequency: 400
 * /sbg_ellipseD/gnss/gnss_model_id: 107
 * /sbg_ellipseD/gnss/hdtRejectMode: 2
 * /sbg_ellipseD/gnss/posRejectMode: 2
 * /sbg_ellipseD/gnss/primaryLeverArmX: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/gnss/primaryLeverArmY: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/gnss/primaryLeverArmZ: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/gnss/primaryLeverPrecise: False
 * /sbg_ellipseD/gnss/secondaryLeverArmX: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/gnss/secondaryLeverArmY: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/gnss/secondaryLeverArmZ: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/gnss/secondaryLeverMode: 3
 * /sbg_ellipseD/gnss/velRejectMode: 2
 * /sbg_ellipseD/imuAlignementLeverArm/axisDirectionX: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/imuAlignementLeverArm/axisDirectionY: 3
 * /sbg_ellipseD/imuAlignementLeverArm/leverArmX: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/imuAlignementLeverArm/leverArmY: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/imuAlignementLeverArm/leverArmZ: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/imuAlignementLeverArm/misPitch: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/imuAlignementLeverArm/misRoll: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/imuAlignementLeverArm/misYaw: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/magnetometer/calibration/bandwidth: 2
 * /sbg_ellipseD/magnetometer/calibration/mode: 2
 * /sbg_ellipseD/magnetometer/magnetometerModel: 201
 * /sbg_ellipseD/magnetometer/magnetometerRejectMode: 1
 * /sbg_ellipseD/odom/direction: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/odom/gain: 4800
 * /sbg_ellipseD/odom/gain_error: 0.1
 * /sbg_ellipseD/odom/leverArmX: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/odom/leverArmY: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/odom/leverArmZ: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/odom/rejectMode: 1
 * /sbg_ellipseD/odometry/baseFrameId: base_link
 * /sbg_ellipseD/odometry/enable: False
 * /sbg_ellipseD/odometry/initFrameId: map
 * /sbg_ellipseD/odometry/odomFrameId: odom
 * /sbg_ellipseD/odometry/publishTf: True
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/frame_id: imu_link_ned
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/log_air_data: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/log_ekf_euler: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/log_ekf_nav: 8
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/log_ekf_quat: 8
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/log_event_a: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/log_event_b: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/log_event_c: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/log_event_d: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/log_gps1_hdt: 10001
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/log_gps1_pos: 10001
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/log_gps1_raw: 10001
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/log_gps1_vel: 10001
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/log_imu_data: 8
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/log_imu_short: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/log_mag: 8
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/log_mag_calib: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/log_odo_vel: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/log_ship_motion: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/log_status: 8
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/log_utc_time: 8
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/ros_standard: True
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/time_reference: ros
 * /sbg_ellipseD/output/use_enu: False
 * /sbg_ellipseD/sensorParameters/day: 10
 * /sbg_ellipseD/sensorParameters/initAlt: 100.0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/sensorParameters/initLat: 48.419727
 * /sbg_ellipseD/sensorParameters/initLong: -4.472119
 * /sbg_ellipseD/sensorParameters/month: 3
 * /sbg_ellipseD/sensorParameters/motionProfile: 1
 * /sbg_ellipseD/sensorParameters/year: 2018
 * /sbg_ellipseD/uartConf/baudRate: 115200
 * /sbg_ellipseD/uartConf/portID: 0
 * /sbg_ellipseD/uartConf/portName: /dev/ttyUSB0

    sbg_ellipseD (sbg_driver/sbg_device)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [12727]

setting /run_id to 32627272-26d1-11ec-918e-8c1645972da2
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [12803]
started core service [/rosout]
process[sbg_ellipseD-2]: started with pid [12810]
[ INFO] [1633544048.436508586]: SBG DRIVER - Init node, load params and connect to the device.
[ERROR] [1633544049.982373000]: Unable to get the device Info : SBG_TIME_OUT
[ INFO] [1633544049.982475335]: SBG DRIVER - Initialize device for receiving data
[ WARN] [1633544050.000963616]: SBG_DRIVER - [Publisher] SBG AirData output are not configured, the standard FluidPressure publisher can not be defined.
[ERROR] [1633544051.534023609]: SBG_DRIVER - [Config] Unable to get the Init conditions configuration : SBG_TIME_OUT
[sbg_ellipseD-2] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/rongo/.ros/log/32627272-26d1-11ec-918e-8c1645972da2/sbg_ellipseD-2*.log
^C[rosout-1] killing on exit
[master] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
mzembsbg commented 2 years ago

The first step would be to ensure that the ellipse baudrate is correct. What value is configured for the portA in the SbgCenter ? It should match what is in your configuration file (from your log: /sbg_ellipseD/uartConf/baudRate: 115200).

nachovizzo commented 2 years ago

I confirm that setting the baud rate through the sbgCenter application only available for Windows does solve this problem.