SBNSoftware / sbndcode

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Trigger Metrics Cleanup #430

Closed lynnt20 closed 3 months ago

lynnt20 commented 3 months ago

This PR and the accompanying PRs remove the trigger metric objects in sbnobj and all related references and replace them with the equivalent in sbndaq-artdaq-core. The trigger metrics obects should live in the DAQ repositories, and all offline code should inherit from those.

Accompanying PRs: SBNSoftware/sbndaq-artdaq-core#104 SBNSoftware/sbnobj#109

fjnicolas commented 3 months ago

trigger build SBNSoftware/sbndutil#13 SBNSoftware/sbndaq-artdaq-core#104 SBNSoftware/sbnobj#109 SBNSoftware/sbn*@release/SBN2024A

FNALbuild commented 3 months ago

:heavy_check_mark: CI build for LArSoft Succeeded on slf7 for e26:prof -- details available through the CI dashboard

FNALbuild commented 3 months ago

:heavy_check_mark: CI build for LArSoft Succeeded on slf7 for c14:prof -- details available through the CI dashboard

FNALbuild commented 3 months ago

:x: CI build for SBND Failed at phase unit_test SBND on slf7 for c14:prof -- details available through the CI dashboard

:rotating_light: For more details about the failed phase, check the unit_test SBND phase logs

parent CI build details are available through the CI dashboard

FNALbuild commented 3 months ago

:warning: CI build for SBND Warning at phase ci_tests SBND on slf7 for e26:prof -- details available through the CI dashboard

:rotating_light: For more details about the warning phase, check the ci_tests SBND phase logs

parent CI build details are available through the CI dashboard