The Reproducible Programming in R course, developed by the School of Biodiversity, One Health and Veterinary Medicine at the University of Glasgow.
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Resolve what triggers website generation #185

Closed richardreeve closed 2 years ago

richardreeve commented 3 years ago

Should it just be master? If so, can we generate a dev website too?

soniamitchell commented 2 years ago

will trigger website generation by pushing to any branch

richardreeve commented 2 years ago

If you mean any edit updates the main live pages, that's not ideal - it would probably be better to have PRs generating separate websites so we can see the impact of updates? Maybe that's not what you mean though...

soniamitchell commented 2 years ago

I’m afraid that’s exactly what I mean. It would be ideal to have multiple versions of the website in the way Julia docs works, but I’m not sure pkgdown can do that. We can go back to main only if you’d prefer? I figured it would be nicer to update on all branches prior to the course starting at least.

richardreeve commented 2 years ago

Yes, that seems like a good plan. Maybe once the course starts we can switch to main only though.

richardreeve commented 2 years ago

PS I didn't realise that pkgdown can't do that - that's a bit of an oversight!