SBU-BMI / SlicerPathology

3D Slicer extension for Pathology segmentation tools
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Module won't start - testing code committed by accident? #100

Closed pieper closed 6 years ago

pieper commented 6 years ago

It looks like some code was added that doesn't belong:

It's leading to the issue described here:

mingrui commented 6 years ago


Please see here, the problem is with indentation, you need to use 4 spaces and indent these lines

fedorov commented 6 years ago

@mingrui whether it's dead code, or code that was not properly indented - it must be fixed for the module to be functional.

Hopefully someone from @SBU-BMI/applied-informatics will look into it, or perhaps this module is no longer maintained - I am not sure.

fedorov commented 6 years ago

Thanks! I haven't tested the updated code, but I hope it works now!