SBU-BMI / SlicerPathology

3D Slicer extension for Pathology segmentation tools
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incorporate pathomics mods #91

Closed tdiprima closed 7 years ago

tdiprima commented 7 years ago


  1. Incorporate Tahsin's changes to pathomics (see files changed, below)
  2. Remove utilityTileAnalysis.cxx (here), and keep only utilityTileAnalysis.h. – Scratch this; see #92
  3. Add Logger.*
  4. Handle the pixel transform another way other than removing it from the codebase.

Files: utilityTileAnalysis.h utilityScalarImage.h TypeUtils.h PixelOperations.h PixelOperations.cpp Normalization.h

tdiprima commented 7 years ago

Because the code I was merging, is using gettimeofday (whereas originally I commented this part out) I needed to add the header file time_win.h. Fixed.