SC5 / gulp-bobrsass-boilerplate

Gulp BoBrSASS Boilerplate
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Browserified angular application build #18

Closed KariHe closed 9 years ago

KariHe commented 9 years ago

Changed build to use browserify to create application bundle. Now modules are included to build via require calls. All bower installed packages can be required by their bower package name.

Changed application directory layout to better support larger Angular projects and angular HTML templates are now bundled to template cache which is also bundled to application javascript bundle.

gulp watch should now correctly trigger updates when HTML templates are changed or java scripts updated.

laurisvan commented 9 years ago

Sorry, Kari - we have faced quite a bit of resistance taking Browserify into use with AngularJS projects (as it has a bit of its own module system); we'll go with concatenated files for now, until we will find good use for Browserify within AngularJS projects.

I'll try to hand code the other relevant bits (directory structure, templates, source maps) - they are all good stuff!

Please in future send the pull requests in individual bits, so that the good bits don't get lost among the bits that we cannot accept.