SC5 / sc5-styleguide

Styleguide generator is a handy little tool that helps you generate good looking styleguides from stylesheets using KSS notation
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Update dependencies and migrate deprecated dependencies #1079

Open DanielaValero opened 7 years ago

DanielaValero commented 7 years ago


There are some dependencies in the project that are quite out of date. Here the list

body-parser              ~1.14.1  →         ~1.17.1 
 cheerio                  ^0.19.0  →         ^0.22.0 
 express                  ~4.13.0  →         ~4.15.2 
 fs-extra                 ^0.26.2  →          ^3.0.0 
 gulp-mustache             ~2.0.1  →          ~2.3.0 
 kss                       ~2.1.0  →  ~3.0.0-beta.18 
 lodash                   ~3.10.1  →         ~4.17.4 
 markdown-it               ^5.1.0  →          ^8.3.1 
 morgan                    ~1.6.0  →          ~1.8.1 
 postcss-color-function    ^2.0.0  →          ^3.0.0 
 postcss-import            ^8.0.2  →          ^9.1.0 
 postcss-inline-comment    ^2.0.0  →          ^3.0.0 
 postcss-mixins            ^4.0.0  →          ^5.4.1 
 postcss-partial-import    ^1.3.0  →          ^3.1.1 
 q                         ~1.4.1  →          ~1.5.0 
 run-sequence              ~1.1.0  →          ~1.2.2                 ~1.4.0  →          ~1.7.3 
 vinyl                     ~1.1.0  →          ~2.0.2 
 vinyl-fs                  ~2.2.1  →          ~2.4.4 
 yargs                    ~3.30.0  →          ~8.0.1 
 babel-root-import         ^3.2.2  →          ^4.1.8 
 chai                      ~3.4.1  →          ~3.5.0 
 coveralls                ~2.11.2  →         ~2.13.1 
 del                       ~2.1.0  →          ~2.2.2 
 dependency-check          ~2.5.1  →          ~2.8.0 
 gulp-istanbul            ~0.10.0  →          ~1.1.1 
 gulp-jscs                 ~3.0.2  →          ~4.0.0 
 gulp-mocha                ~2.2.0  →          ~4.3.1 
 gulp-ng-annotate          ~1.1.0  →          ~2.0.0 
 gulp-plumber              ~1.0.1  →          ~1.1.0 
 jscs                      ~2.6.0  →          ~3.0.7 
 karma                   ~0.13.15  →          ~1.6.0 
 karma-coverage            ~0.5.3  →          ~1.1.1 
 karma-mocha               ~0.2.1  →          ~1.3.0 
 karma-mocha-reporter      ~1.1.2  →          ~2.2.3 
 karma-sinon-chai          ~1.1.0  →          ~1.3.1 
 main-bower-files          ~2.9.0  →         ~2.13.1 
 phantomjs-prebuilt         2.1.7  →          2.1.14 
 sinon                    ~1.17.2  →          ~2.2.0 
 sinon-chai                ~2.8.0  →         ~2.10.0 

 autoprefixer                    ^6.3.2  →       ^6.7.7 
 gulp-postcss                    ^6.1.0  →       ^6.4.0 
 postcss                        ^5.0.14  →      ^5.2.17 
 postcss-nested                  ^1.0.0  →       ^1.0.1 
 pug                       ^2.0.0-beta6  →  ^2.0.0-rc.1 
 babel-core                      ^6.7.2  →      ^6.24.1 
 babel-preset-es2015            ^6.1.18  →      ^6.24.1 
 babel-register                  ^6.7.2  →      ^6.24.1 
 karma-phantomjs-launcher        ~1.0.0  →       ~1.0.4 
 proxyquire                      ~1.7.3  →      ~1.7.11 

There are also, some dependencies that are using still a deprecated version.

npm WARN deprecated postcss-inline-comment@3.0.0: It's deprecated, please use postcss-scss instead.
npm WARN deprecated cssnext@1.8.4: cssnext is now postcss-cssnext. cssnext is deprecated. See postcss-cssnext migration guide
npm WARN deprecated gulp-cssnext@1.0.1: cssnext is now postcss-cssnext. gulp-cssnext is deprecated. Use gulp-postcss instead. See postcss-cssnext migration guide

Is there a reason why we keep them out of date? If not, I can prepare a PR.

varya commented 7 years ago

@DanielaValero Hi! As far as I remember, no reason. You can update, just check with tests that everything is working. PR is very much appreciated, thank you!

DanielaValero commented 7 years ago

Sure, I already started some work on the matter, and for sure will take some more time as the angular one. But will get it in :)

Also, with the latest version of KSS, I think we will be able to support words instead of numbers for the sections.

I will make sure to update readme accordingly, and letting you know with time, if there is any breaking change, so we can announce it accordingly to the users