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access to alarm properties #2629

Open GabrielTec251 opened 1 year ago

GabrielTec251 commented 1 year ago

I would like a way to get alarm properties, such as ALARM ACKNOWLEDGED ACTIVE ALARM

Reason, I would like to use it in graphic logics where for example:

In case of failure, the component must flash yellow, when the alarm is acknowledged but still in fault, the component is in solid yellow, when the fault is over, the component switches to normal operating status.

In the scada: elipse e3 software, they have a browser where we can make requests for properties to use in scripts. explorador elipse

I imagine that it is possible in scada to do this search for properties to be able to apply it in scripts.

For example:

Var = (alarm name).AlarmStates ;

Something in that feeling. lts - alarms

fabiodurao commented 1 year ago

Hello Gabriel, this is not a issue, a post should be opened first in the discussion field, depending on the evolution of the conversation, then maybe open a feature request in "issue". I don't know if there is a ready method for this, but the devs can help. Please close the issue and post in discussions to maintain organization.

Limraj commented 1 year ago

@fabiodurao @GabrielTec251, I don't remember that we had such functionality, maybe it could be handled with some configuration, but at the moment nothing specific comes to mind, if you Fabio have an idea, it's worth sharing. Anyway, it's an interesting direction of change, I think it's worth opening an issue.

GabrielTec251 commented 1 year ago

there is a tutorial on the scadaBr forum on how to access datapoint java classes in an easy way.

function dataPointInfo(identifier) { var dpDAO = new; var pvDAO = new; var dpVO = dpDAO.getDataPoint(identifier); var sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

var tipos = {
    0: "Desconhecido",
    1: "Binário",
    2: "Multiestados",
    3: "Numérico",
    4: "Alfanumérico",
    5: "Imagem"

// Propriedades do data point = parseInt(dpVO.getId());
this.xid = String(dpVO.getXid());
this.nome = String(dpVO.getName());
this.codigoTipo = parseInt(dpVO.getPointLocator().getDataTypeId());
this.tipo = tipos[this.codigoTipo];
this.setavel = String(dpVO.getPointLocator().isSettable()) == "true" ? true : false;

// Converte objetos Java para Javascript
this.formataValor = function(valor) {
    switch (this.codigoTipo) {
        case 1:
            return String(valor) == "true" ? true : false;

        case 3:
            return Number(valor);

        case 2:
        case 4:
            return String(valor);

        case 0:
        case 5:
            throw new "Erro: Tipo inválido";

// Último valor do data point
this.valor = function() {
    return this.formataValor(pvDAO.getLatestPointValue(;
this.ultimoValor = this.valor;

// Último tempo do data point (humanamente legível)
this.tempo = function() {
    return String(sdf.format(pvDAO.getLatestPointValue(;
this.ultimoTempo = this.tempo;

// Último tempo do data point (timestamp)
this.tempoBruto = function() {
    return parseInt(pvDAO.getLatestPointValue(
this.ultimoTempoBruto = this.tempoBruto;

// Últimos X valores do data point
this.ultimosValores = function(maxValues) {
    var valoresJava = pvDAO.getLatestPointValues(, maxValues);
    var valoresJS = new Array();
    for (var i = 0; i < valoresJava.size(); i++) {

    return valoresJS;

// Tempo das últimas X mudanças de valor do data point (humanamente legível)
this.ultimosTempos = function(maxValues) {
    var temposJava = pvDAO.getLatestPointValues(, maxValues);
    var temposJS = new Array();
    for (var i = 0; i < temposJava.size(); i++) {

    return temposJS;

// Tempo das últimas X mudanças de valor do data point (timestamp)
this.ultimosTemposBrutos = function(maxValues) {
    var temposJava = pvDAO.getLatestPointValues(, maxValues);
    var temposJS = new Array();
    for (var i = 0; i < temposJava.size(); i++) {

    return temposJS;

this.valoresEntre = function(startTime, endTime) {
    var valoresJava = pvDAO.getPointValuesBetween(, startTime, endTime);
    var valoresJS = new Array();
    for (var i = 0; i < valoresJava.size(); i++) {

    return valoresJS.reverse();

this.temposEntre = function(startTime, endTime) {
    var temposJava = pvDAO.getPointValuesBetween(, startTime, endTime);
    var temposJS = new Array();
    for (var i = 0; i < temposJava.size(); i++) {

    return temposJS.reverse();

this.temposBrutosEntre = function(startTime, endTime) {
    var temposJava = pvDAO.getPointValuesBetween(, startTime, endTime);
    var temposJS = new Array();
    for (var i = 0; i < temposJava.size(); i++) {

    return temposJS.reverse();

this.valorEm = function(time) {
    var pointValue = pvDAO.getPointValueAt(, time);
    if (!pointValue)
        pointValue = pvDAO.getPointValueBefore(, time);

    return this.formataValor(pointValue.value);



this way it is possible to get different information from the data point, using this script at the end of the test,

I was wondering if it was possible to develop something like this.

GabrielTec251 commented 1 year ago

another solution would also be to create a datasource of alarms, where when creating the alarms, they would also create a datapoint, that way we could use them in the meta datapoint getting their variables.

example: DANGERON = alarm01.acknow;

therefore, we would have the information in the variable DANGERON the value true or false of the variable alarm01;

that is, it would be able to tell if the alarm was acknowledged or not. 01

fabiodurao commented 1 year ago

The idea is good, if there is a way to fit this feature in the next releases it would be cool.

I believe that the simplest implementation would be to add a method in the event handlers, in addition to having action for active and inactive events, add the action option for recognized event in the 5 types of event handlers (email, sms, script, process and setpoint), something like in the example of the image I drew below.

With this method, we could set the binary variables later if necessary.

alarm handler