SCAR / EGABIcourse19

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How can I to perform an Environmental Niche modeling (ENM) at different times (e.g. past, present and future)? #13

Open lyrodus opened 5 years ago

lyrodus commented 5 years ago

I would like to perform the ENM in the past (Last Glacial Maximum), present and Future (years 2050 and 2100, scenarios 2.6 and 8.5 respectively).


Antonarctica commented 5 years ago

LGM is a bit more difficult. nclimate3377-2.pdf For Present and future you can have a look at this paper. More losers than winners in a century of future Southern Ocean seafloor warming by Huw J. Griffiths, Andrew J.S. Meijers and Thomas J. Bracegirdle is published in Nature Climate Change on Monday 4 September 2017. Read the paper here