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New data set: Pinkerton & Hayward 2021 #11

Closed raymondben closed 5 months ago

raymondben commented 5 months ago

Data provided by the author separately

Taxonomic groups covered sea ice algae

Input data type satellite remote-sensed products

Modelling method numerical model

Type of output sea ice primary productivity

Model performance score and the measure used

Uncertainty type "Not provided"

Code URL

Usage notes

Primary publication Pinkerton MH, Hayward A (2021) Estimating variability and long-term change in sea ice primary productivity using a satellite-based light penetration index, Journal of Marine Systems. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2021.103576

License governing the use of the data set CC-BY 4.0

raymondben commented 5 months ago

Seasonal and annual layers generated and added to working repo

raymondben commented 5 months ago
