trees that died during water shortages were less resilient to previous non-lethal droughts, relative to coexisting surviving trees of the same species. In angiosperms, drought-related mortality risk is associated with lower resistance (low capacity to reduce impact of the initial drought) (from the abstract).
Gessler says
Resilience: The capacity of individuals and ecosystems to maintain their functioning in the face of disturbance. It is determined by both, the capacity to reduce the impact (resistance) of a disturbance and to recover from the impact (recovery) after the disturbance (Ingrisch & Bahn, 2018).
I'd say the sentence is fine wrt the references. However, I'd say based on these two papers we should really be saying
"Survival has been shown to be linked to resistance, recovery, and resilience [@desoto_low_2020; @gessler_way_2020], implying they may be influenced by the same factors."
or "Survival is inherently linked to a tree's ability to prosper after a drought [@desoto_low_2020; @gessler_way_2020], and because this resilience is affected by the tree's initial resistance and its ability to recover, we assume all three metrics are influenced by the same factors."
@mcgregorian1 , the text of this sentence has changed, and we need to check of the references still work:
Survival is linked to resistance and resilience [@desoto_low_2020; @gessler_way_2020], implying it may be influenced by the same factors.