SCBI-ForestGEO / McGregor_climate-sensitivity-variation

repository for linking the climate sensitity of tree growth (derived from cores) to functional traits
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wording on TWI #66

Closed teixeirak closed 4 years ago

teixeirak commented 4 years ago "Alan says that root water access refers to info inferred from both TWI and root structure, which we don't have. Thus he suggests only saying soil water availability throughout the paper. I agree and will change this (putting this here so you know)."

starting new issue here since #65 is long/complex. I partially agree with this, but we have to be very careful regarding wording.
Wording is good in this statement: "soil water availability, which should be greater for larger trees in dry but not in perpetually wet microsites ". Wording was not okay where changed in abstract. TWI itself is not what we're testing, so "soil water access" does not work on it's own. We're testing TWI*height.

Throughout, we need to make sure wording is appropriate.

teixeirak commented 4 years ago

I reviewed all instances of the use of "soil water availability", editing as needed.