SCCapstone / Capstone-Labyrinth

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Design Milestone, September 27th #4

Closed SamDunny closed 4 years ago

SamDunny commented 4 years ago

For this milestone your group will work out in detail the design of your app. You will use a diagramming tool like Pencil, figma, justinmind, balsamiq,, or just your favorite paint program . If you are building a game or other widget-free app then a paint program will be easier to use.

Your design should include:

An image for each of the major screens and dialogs of your app. Show all the widgets in their proper placement. Name each screen and write some text to explain how actions in one screen will lead to other screens.

In the case of a widget-free apps, you should include diagrams for all the major ‘areas’, animation stills that detail the most common animations and game mechanics (for example, Super Mario would have a set of drawings showing Mario jumping, punching up, and landing on a Goomba’s head), as well as story boards if they are more relevant to your game.

A goal of the design is for you to think about the usability of your app. Try to ‘use’ the app in your mind: simulate how a user might use the app. Printing the screens into sheets of paper of the correct size and shuffling them as you pretend to use the app is a very common way to test the usability.

Another goal is to save you time. Remember that making a change now, like adding or deleting a screen, is a thousand times easier than if you wait until after you have written the code.

SamDunny commented 4 years ago

This was supposed to be a milestone