SCE-Development / sce-tv

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Show title and thumbnail when URL is entered #27

Closed evanugarte closed 4 months ago

evanugarte commented 7 months ago

when the user pastes a url into the input box, we should show the title and thumbnail underneath the input and button like below:


game plan

1. video metadata API

add a /metadata endpoint that accepts HTTP GET requests like /metadata?

the above value is the youtube url, but special characters are encoded. the original url would be

the metadata API should return a JSON response like:

  "title": "title of youtube video",
  "thumbnail": ""

if the youtube video wasn't found, return 404. or return 400/500 if there was any other error(s) with the request. we can discuss this after the JSON response works

if the url is to a playlist, render the playlist title, and the thumbnail of the first video in the playlist.

2. render video metadata when a URL is entered

in the event listener that listens for user input, if the input matches a regex (we can go over the regex value), make a request to the metadata API.

if the /metadata response is 200, use the JSON fields to set an <h3> and <img> tag to be the title and thumbnail respectively. the two elements should be inside of a <div> below the text box and button inputs

3. limiting the number of times we ask for metadata

we need to add a new input of type checkbox, which will always be hidden with (css)

when we requested metadata (the regex matches the user input in step 2), we should check this input. any subsequent URL metadata requests while the user is on the same page will not be sent. this prevents us making too many requests to the /metadata api when the url is changing a bunch of times.

4. override the once-per-visit metadata request

if the user changes the input value, then presses enter. re-request the metadata. the enter button overrides the logic from step 3.

evanugarte commented 4 months ago

closed by #32