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Multiple bodies on a STL issue #2271

Open MLopezPon opened 2 weeks ago

MLopezPon commented 2 weeks ago

Good morning,

I have an issue on the model when i have multiple bodies in imported meshes. I try to see the position of vertebras between 2 segments for exemple and i have the 2 main problems bellow: 1) the groom function (even with centered activated) does not allow a good centering of samples image

2) during optimization: the particules does not spread from body 1 to body 2. image

Is there a special optmization process for multiple body analysis or is this not supported?

Thanks for the help

akenmorris commented 6 days ago

For multiple objects, we suggest the "multiple domain" approach as outlined here:

If you want to use them as a single anatomy, then they must be connected in order for particles to spread between the two.

I am not sure what the alignment problem is, that should work either way. Does the problem persist with just a few samples, if so, can you share them with us?