Closed Mazze closed 2 years ago
I am unfamiliar with using Docker, but from my experience when it behaves this way it is because the sys.path does not include the directory for uncertain sci. At the top of your python could you try:
import sys
import UncertainSCI.distributions
Okey, that helped to load the module. Resulting in a docker file of
FROM python:3.8
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash User # Add a user so we do not run as root
WORKDIR /home/User
COPY ./ /opt/UncertainSCI # Let's assume we build from the root folder of the repo
COPY demos /home/User/code/demos # Copy them in a place which is accessible by the user
RUN pip install -r /opt/UncertainSCI/requirements.txt # Install requirements
RUN pip install /opt/UncertainSCI/UncertainSCI # Install UncertainSCI
CMD python
after startup of the container, UncertainSCI can just be imported.
This should be resolved in the newest version. Installing from code and pypi work better now
I am trying a minimal installation of UnvertainSCI but it fails. Flowing the documentation python 3 should be used. The requirements need to be installed with pip and the package itself. The first observation is, that the python version 3.9 will fail to install the requirements. Thus, I use python version 3.8. To install UncertainSCI, I use the official python 3.8 docker image and follow the instructions from your documentation. This results in the Dockerfile, which is saved in the root folder of this repo.
I can build this Dockerfile, plus minus a few expected warnings
docker build -t uncertainsci ./
From the python console
docker run -it --rm uncertainsci:latest
I try to import UnvertainSCIWhich is not available.
Using the same container, but with bash
docker run -it --rm uncertainsci:latest /bin/bash
and reinstalling UncertainSCI, shows first that it is already installed and then that, a reinstallation does not solve the problem.The question is, where do I go wrong in the installation?