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Flipped triangles also do not render edges properly #13

Open bryanworthen opened 9 years ago

bryanworthen commented 9 years ago

This may also be a design decision, which we can discuss.

When the triangle gets flipped, the surface rendering of that triangle changes when the lighting is turned on but now the triangle edge also gets rendered differently. See the attached images with and without flipped triangles. In the second one, the triangle edges are actually still dimly, very dimly visible but not without careful squinting.

I suggest we either leave the edges alone or render them in some contrasting color--otherwise, the indication is that the triangle is missing, i.e., that the user has deleted a triangle rather than just flipping it.



bryanworthen commented 9 years ago

Bryan says: So I can fix this for the connectivity-only drawing, but if I draw elements-and-connectivity, then I get a weird outline around the entire surface. (See highlight.jpg.)

Reason being is that for elements and connectivity, it originally was drawn in one pass drawing the front of the tris with FILL and the back with LINES, but in order to turn off lighting for LINES, I have to do two passes with culling on the undesired face, and for some reason that causes the lame lines on the outline.

bryanworthen commented 9 years ago
