SCIInstitute / map3d

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RGB error reporting #9

Open bryanworthen opened 9 years ago

bryanworthen commented 9 years ago

When I execute map3d as follows, I see an error each time the geometry is rendered after I have picked a node and got the node information:

The error seems to occur only after the second point is picked.

[MBP-Home:~/torso/geom/dal]$ map3d -f daltorso.fac Reading pts file: daltorso.pts Reading tris file daltorso.fac

1 hit, pick: winid = 1, surf# = 1, node = 3, depth = 1.331880

<---- Here I select Picking-->DIsplay Node Info Surface #1, Node #4, Channel #4 <---- here I picked the first point Location: X: 0.000000, Y: 75.000000, Z: -86.000000 Surface #1, Node #341, Channel #341 <---- here I picked a second point Location: X: 0.000000, Y: 525.000000, Z: -114.000000 QColor::setRgbF: RGB parameters out of range QColor::setRgbF: RGB parameters out of range . . <---- error repeats each time the image is rendered

bryanworthen commented 9 years ago

Rob reports: Sorry, but I could not reproduce this error....will report back if I figure out what the magic sequence was....