SCLInternet / SclZfCart

An extensible cart system for Zend Framework 2
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Database structure #2

Closed shipleyr closed 11 years ago

shipleyr commented 11 years ago

There is no database structure in the repository so it's not possible to use without reverse engineering the required database structure. Could a data directory with a schema.sql file added for the required database structure.

tomphp commented 11 years ago

Hi Rob,

Since this module in it's current state uses the Doctrine ORM Module for database communication the database schema can be generated using vendor/bin/doctrine-module orm:schema-tool:create. At some point we may create some Mapper classes for the ZF2 database integration and include a scheme.sql file but at this point in time we are using it with Doctrine and focusing on get it working fully with Doctrine.

With regards to your comment on the other related module; currently both these modules are works in progress and therefore are incomplete. However the are both being developed by our company and provide the basis for more than one of our systems, therefore there is not doubt that they will be fully usable in the not to distant future!

So whether or not you decide to use it is entirely up to you, the module will be finish and also we'd be far more than happy if you wanted to contribute to it and push it forwards. Alternatively if you feel this module isn't for you then I'd say take a look at which is an ecommerce solution which includes similar modules and more written by great developers.

I hope you find the solution which is right for you, if you do decide use this any input you have would be great!

All the best, Tom

shipleyr commented 11 years ago

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the response. I was wondering if there is some say that Doctrine was able to create the tables etc. At the moment we are trying to avoid going down the Doctrine route as all our other modules are written using ZendDb. I really like the architecture you've gone for with these modules. I like the event driven structure you've written in so far.

Our other concern other than Doctrine was the number of dependencies. Are all the dependencies hard dependencies or do you think the number could be reduced easily? If so I think we would be very willing to get involved with the development/contribution as writing cart/payment/sagepay modules from scratch is a little daunting.

Kind Regards Rob

tomphp commented 11 years ago

Hi Rob,

I'm glad you like the architecture and I hope to develop it further to make it even more flexible.

With regards to the dependencies, which ones were you referring to? Obviously ZF2 is required and Doctrine is not needed if you decide to use Zend\Db instead. Apart from that the only other 3rd party module in use is AssetManager, this is an extremely useful modules that allows you to have media such as css, js, images, etc contained in your module; that said it is not required for the functionality of this module and could easily be removed if required.

The other 2 dependencies are 2 little libraries that we have developed; one is a set of contact object interfaces and the other are simple utility classes which we find useful when working with ZF2, if you really want to remove these then can work around that.

With regards to using Zend\Db instead of Doctrine they you may have already noticed it should just be a matter of implementing the mapper interfaces accordingly.

It would be really great to have to involved and I'd be keen to hear how you intending to use it if that is something you are willing to share.

I am off work this week so will not be doing any development until next week be if you have any questions or want to know anymore about this and how we intend to develop it further feel free to ask (here or you can do it privately via

Best regards, Tom