Open nelson15 opened 4 years ago
Here is my first pass at writing this importer (for hex meshes only). My biggest issue is including gmi data. The .trelis mesh file has topological information (almost identical to a .dmg file) so this should be possible to use that.
This is heavily based on the mdsGMSH.cpp file. mdsTrelis.txt
Hi everyone,
I am working on a collaboration with Coreform to run a PHASTA simulation using their mesh. They store their meshes in a .trelis file, which is formatted in standard HDF5 style. Attached is a .trelis file (changed to .txt so Github would not complain) containing a 3x3x3 hex mesh of a cube. The mesh file can be opened directly in HDFView (a program put out by HDF group for viewing HDF5 files). The file contains all of the information necessary to build a gmi model and an apf::Mesh2. The mesh was generated in Coreform's Trelis 17 software (which was originally created by the company CSimSoft as a commercialization of Sandia's Cubit mesh technology).
At the end of the day, I need to be able to load this mesh into Chef, pepper it with a tensor field on the hex elements and pass the mesh/that data to a modified PHASTA where the rather vanilla mesh and the tensor field will be used to generate a U-Spline discretization within PHASTA.
As far as this issue request goes, we are only looking for an import of a C^0 mesh that can be passed along through Chef to PHASTA.
I have been discussing with @cwsmith and he has urged me to make an issue here.
Thank you so much, Corey