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Vi error E514 write error (file system full?) #14

Closed startrekman closed 3 years ago

startrekman commented 3 years ago

I am getting a vi write error and I am not sure how to fix it. I started by doing rm slurm to get rid of those files to see if it was some long output file. It was not. When I look at the df command, I am seeing that there is 110% of memory use and am not sure how to fix it image

cwsmith commented 3 years ago


df is reporting the usage for different portions of the filesystem. Your suspicion was correct; the shared home directory for the FEP5 project is full (df -h ~ will report this). I've emailed the large consumers and asked them to move their files elsewhere. Thank you.

cwsmith commented 3 years ago

Space in the FEP5 home directory has been freed. Please reopen this ticket if the problem persists.

Thanks again for reporting the problem.

startrekman commented 3 years ago

Duplicate of #

I am not sure but the memory seems to be full again, but I am not sure if that would cause the programs not to run. I am able to save it in vi. image

cwsmith commented 3 years ago


Disk usage in the home directory is fine:

FEP5smth@dcsfen02: ~ $ df -h ~
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
gpfs.v           10G  1.2G  8.9G  12% /gpfs/u

The machine is likely just busy. See the status page and/or the output of sinfo for information on the system usage: