Closed yangf4 closed 7 years ago
also includes: asadj_m.f genbkif.f genint_m.f genshp_m.f gensavif.f local_m.f
Hi @shamse ,
I am wondering what does probe_m.f do?
probe_m.f was made to monitor conservation laws over the entire domain. It integrates conservative variables over the entire domain and prints the values.
Can be activated by setting "Conservation Probe = Yes"
It may still need debugging. Be aware when using.
commit: 44f992ff95a4bfb7716a6f52ec6b702e5a259059
I would like to add brief explanation/doxygen of the new added files for DG interface. I have a list as below: asidgif.f asidgif_geom.f block_m.f e3_func_m.f e3_param_m.f e3if_diff_m.f e3if_func_m.f e3if_geom_m.f e3if_lhs_m.f e3if_m.f e3if_param_m.f e3if_setparam.f e3if_vi_m.f e3metric_m.f eqn_state_m.f if_global_m.f if_velocity_m.f ifbc_m.f kappa_error.f probe_m.f
I will work on this but any helper is welcome, especially @shamse .