SCPR / grand-central

A content syndicator as a micro-service.
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Message transport changes #1

Closed Ravenstine closed 7 years ago

Ravenstine commented 7 years ago

Just some though before I forget.

Currently, one mestage gets sent per piece of content. To make the code simpler, I see no harm in sending a separate message per syndication.

There is also the problem of syndications having their own types that we might want to adapt to. For example, Facebook.has it's own concept of Events that we might want to tie into someday. Instead of maintainting separate schemas per content type, I think what is most flexible would be to maintain one content schema and have a types field which tells an adapter how to cast the content. This would greatly reduce the amount of code required to publiss different types to many syndications.

Ravenstine commented 7 years ago

Both ideas have been implemented.