Powershell module for Google / G Suite API calls wrapped in handy functions. Authentication is established using a service account via P12 key to negate the consent popup and allow for greater handsoff automation capabilities
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Add function to wrap common user offboarding tasks #221

Closed scrthq closed 4 years ago

scrthq commented 5 years ago

Talking in the PowerShell Slack and generalized the function that I'm using internally:

function Invoke-GSUserOffboarding {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = "High")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory,Position = 0,ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        $Options = @('ClearASPs','ClearOAuthTokens','RemoveMobileDevices','Suspend','SetRandomPassword'),
        $License = "Google-Vault-Former-Employee"
    Begin {
        function New-RandomPassword {
            Param (
                [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
                $Length = 15
            $ascii = $null
            for ($a = 33;$a –le 126;$a++) {
                $ascii += ,[char][byte]$a
            for ($loop = 1; $loop –le $length; $loop++) {
                $randomPassword += ($ascii | Get-Random)
            return ([String]$randomPassword)
    Process {
        foreach ($U in $User) {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Offboarding user: $U")) {
                $user = @{User = $U}
                $updateParams = @{Confirm = $false}
                foreach ($opt in $options) {
                    switch -RegEx ($opt) {
                        '(Full|Suspend)' {
                            $updateParams['Suspended'] = $true
                        '(Full|SetRandomPassword)' {
                            $updateParams['Password'] = ConvertTo-SecureString (New-RandomPassword) -AsPlainText -Force
                            $updateParams['ChangePasswordAtNextLogin'] = $true
                        '(Full|MoveToOrgUnit)' {
                            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DestinationOrgUnit')) {
                                $updateParams['OrgUnitPath'] = $PSBoundParameters['DestinationOrgUnit']
                            else {
                                throw "No DestinationOrgUnit provided!! Stopping further processing"
                                exit 1
                "[$(Get-Date -Format G)] [$U] Updating user"
                Update-GSUser @user @updateParams | Format-List PrimaryEmail,@{N = "FullName";E = {$}},Suspended,ChangePasswordAtNextLogin,OrgUnitPath
                if ($Options -contains 'Full' -or $Options -contains 'ClearASPs') {
                    "[$(Get-Date -Format G)] [$U] Retrieving App Specific Passwords to remove"
                    $ASPs = Get-GSUserASPList @user
                    if ($ASPs) {
                        foreach ($ASP in $ASPs) {
                            "[$(Get-Date -Format G)] [$U] Revoking ASP for '$($'"
                            Remove-GSUserASP @user -CodeID $ASP.codeId -Confirm:$false
                        Remove-Variable ASPs -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    else {
                        "[$(Get-Date -Format G)] [$U] User has no ASP's to remove!"
                if ($Options -contains 'Full' -or $Options -contains 'ClearOAuthTokens') {
                    "[$(Get-Date -Format G)] [$U] Retrieving OAuth Tokens to remove"
                    $Tokens = Get-GSUserTokenList @user
                    if ($Tokens.clientId) {
                        foreach ($Token in $Tokens) {
                            "[$(Get-Date -Format G)] [$U] Revoking OAuth Token for '$($Token.displayText)'"
                            Remove-GSUserToken @user -ClientID $Token.clientId -Confirm:$false
                        Remove-Variable Tokens -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    else {
                        "[$(Get-Date -Format G)] [$U] User has no OAuth Tokens to remove!"
                if ($Options -contains 'Full' -or $Options -contains 'RemoveMobileDevices') {
                    "[$(Get-Date -Format G)] [$U] Retrieving Mobile Devices to remove"
                    $Mobiles = Get-GSMobileDeviceList @user -Projection BASIC
                    if ($Mobiles) {
                        foreach ($Mobile in $Mobiles) {
                            "[$(Get-Date -Format G)] [$U] Removing Mobile Device '$($Mobile.model)'"
                            Remove-GSMobileDevice -ResourceID $Mobile.resourceId -Confirm:$false
                        Remove-Variable Mobiles -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    else {
                        "[$(Get-Date -Format G)] [$U] User has no Mobile Devices to remove!"
                if ($Options -contains 'Full' -or $Options -contains 'SetLicense') {
                    if ($null -ne $License) {
                        "[$(Get-Date -Format G)] [$U] Setting user license to: $License"
                        Set-GSUserLicense @user -License $License | Format-List UserId,ProductId,SkuId
scrthq commented 4 years ago

released in v2.35.0