Powershell module for Google / G Suite API calls wrapped in handy functions. Authentication is established using a service account via P12 key to negate the consent popup and allow for greater handsoff automation capabilities
Apache License 2.0
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Licensing Data out of date #374

Open robertbatchelor opened 2 years ago

robertbatchelor commented 2 years ago

After a coupe of hours of screwing around I believe I have hit a wall, and I assumption is due to this module not recognising the newer license types now provided through Google Workspace.

The CMDlet Get-GSUserLicense no longer returns any licenses information against users with a Google Workspace Enterprise Standard license, or Google Workspace Enterprise Standard - Archived User license. It simply returns that no license was found. Even with the -CheckAll parameter added from this issue

This is further confirmed, if you try to run something like the following; Get-GSUserLicense -License "Google-Workspace-Enterprise-Standard" you'll receive and error with all of the expected license names, which most do not exist and do not reflect what is detailed in Googles documentation

You can run Get-GSUserLicense with -CheckAll and -Verbose to confirm the same result.

sccannon commented 1 year ago

Second. This is needed.

mattseiter-nbs commented 1 year ago

Yes, this is greatly needed. As it is now the license commands are not useful.

sccannon commented 1 year ago

Bump. This is needed.

Buenno commented 10 months ago

I've made some changes to the licensing but need to test. Will let you know how I get on.