Actually, there's a check to add a 'Profile' attribute to the OnDemand's CertificateRequest-Element:
if (!_CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_PROFILE.equals(certRequestProfile)) {
certificateRequestElement.addAttribute(new QName("Profile"), certRequestProfile);
I haven't found any case in the source code where the 'certRequestProfile' value is set to something different than '_CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_PROFILE'. So it's...
a) dead code
b) we don't support a 'Profile'-attribute to the OnDemand's CertificateRequest-Element
contains a constant with a URN that is not used:Actually, there's a check to add a 'Profile' attribute to the OnDemand's CertificateRequest-Element:
I haven't found any case in the source code where the 'certRequestProfile' value is set to something different than '_CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_PROFILE'. So it's... a) dead code b) we don't support a 'Profile'-attribute to the OnDemand's CertificateRequest-Element