SCratORS / ImageWallpaperSC

ImageWallpaperSC - live wallpaper in the style of "Slideshow". All images and videos from the selected directory will be randomly displayed on the screen and gradually scroll left and right and change smoothly. You can scroll the wallpaper with your finger left and right. Double tapping the screen changes the image.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Bug: when switching to landscape, scaling is wrong, and horizontal scrolling doesn't work #10

Open AndroidDeveloperLB opened 3 months ago

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 3 months ago

As the title says. The scaling might even have empty space (black) when doing so. And if often shows there is nowhere to scroll horizontally. Best way to check this out is to have a large-resolution of a square image/video, I think.

It seems the reason for this is that the new screen resolution (switching between width&height) doesn't affect the app in any way when it was portrait before.

This feature of changing orientation is available on various launchers, such as Nova launcher and even Pixel launcher.

Please tell how to fix it. Maybe use onConfigurationChange, to tell the live wallpaper engine to check again the parameters? Or maybe onSurfaceChanged should update the value of mScreenSize in ImageWallpaperSCRender, and not just in ImageWallpaperSCService ?

I thought that maybe in viewRecreate , in the part of "If the image size has changed", it's supposed to be "||" and not "&&" for the setting of the centering-camera, but it seems it doesn't help. I thought so because it should reset when either the size has changed or the orientation has changed, probably...

SCratORS commented 3 months ago

I will try to check it and fix it as soon as I have free time. Thank you.

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 3 months ago


  1. Have you succeeded to reproduce it?
  2. I can give you an example content to test it on, and also show you a video of how to reproduce it. Want?
  3. The app has many features. It took me time to try to find the issue's potential suspects and sadly I still failed. It's probably also because I'm not familiar enough with how it works. Can you please consider making a minimal sample of it? One that allows to set video/image during runtime, and having ability to scroll alone, using onOffsetsChanged alone ? This can help to learn about it, and also handle issues. You can also have the license there to be more permissive . Please? Or maybe I can make such a repository with a more permissive license, that is based on yours?