SCratORS / ImageWallpaperSC

ImageWallpaperSC - live wallpaper in the style of "Slideshow". All images and videos from the selected directory will be randomly displayed on the screen and gradually scroll left and right and change smoothly. You can scroll the wallpaper with your finger left and right. Double tapping the screen changes the image.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Question: What would it take to use ExoPlayer instead of MediaPlayer here? #9

Open AndroidDeveloperLB opened 3 months ago

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 3 months ago

I'm surprised to see it works so well with MediaPlayer. Wouldn't using ExoPlayer be better, as it supports more functionality? Is it hard to do it?

SCratORS commented 3 months ago

This will require the implementation of the ExoPlayer framework, which will greatly increase the size of the output file. It is also possible that this will require the application to grant permissions for ExoPlayer functions to work. All of this is not included in the concept of my application.

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 3 months ago

ExoPlayer doesn't need permissions.

And many apps use ExoPlayer .

ExoPlayer has an extension for AV1 decoding, which works back to Android KitKat (SDK 19):

So it has advantages...

Say, is this repository still maintained? If not, would you please consider changing the license to be more permissive? Or at least to the basic parts of it?

There aren't many open sourced repositories that show how to show images&videos on live wallpapers so well, using OpenGL.

SCratORS commented 3 months ago

Updates to this repository will be made only in case of critical code changes or bug fixes. Currently, I am completely satisfied with the operation of the application. It is worth noting that I developed this application on my own and for my own purposes. There was no commercial purpose. Just for myself. Therefore, I decided that publishing its source code under the GPL-3 license would be quite justified, because I would like my work not to be used for commercial gain without publishing the source codes. I am very glad that my code has helped you in understanding how Live Wallpapers work with OpenGL.

And once again, I will formulate the main idea of this application - Only standard system functions. Therefore, only the system media player. Most likely, this is why it was easy for you to understand how it works.

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 3 months ago

You say it would be much harder to understand with ExoPlayer in the mix? Maybe.

Can you please consider having the most basic repository for the live wallpaper with a more permissive license? Meaning it will show image/video, with horizontal scrolling, and that's it. You've added a lot of features to the app, and I only wanted to see the very basics of it...

I believe that the smaller an example is, the easier it is to learn from it. I've seen Google often offer very fancy examples, but when I looked at their code it became unclear what's going on, as their code is so large...

If you want ideas of the app, I think you can add scale-type (like what ImageView has). Won't be so useful though, as users usually want the image to fill all spaces... You can also make it resume the playback of the video instead of starting from the beginning, each time you return to the wallpaper. I think this should be easy.