SDG-AI-Lab / DSVI_Tool_v3

DSVI Online Tool: Displays social vulnerability data and allows users to analyze them interactively.
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TestVersionOnlyForSE_Level_1_Elevation #169

Closed andreiPro closed 2 years ago

andreiPro commented 2 years ago

Good morning Martin, Dear Team, Changed the algorithm for normalization data for Layers of Socioeconomic section.

1. Defining the minMeanNumber for each {layer}.json const onlyAllMeanNumbers = =>; const minMeanNumber = Math.min(...onlyAllMeanNumbers); const maxMeanNumber = Math.max(...onlyAllMeanNumbers).

2. Calculating normalizeDataValue. const normalizeDataValue = Math.abs((_mean - minMeanNumber) / (maxMeanNumber - minMeanNumber));; const fillColor = mapPolygonColorToDensity(normalizeDataValue, layerObject).

The main difference is using the min value of _mean in entire {layer}.json file.

andreiPro commented 2 years ago
