SDG-InterfaceOntology / sdgio

The repository for the Sustainable Development Goals Interface Ontology
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Table of SDGIO class synonyms #108

Open pbuttigieg opened 7 years ago

pbuttigieg commented 7 years ago

This document contains a mapping between SDG keywords identified by UNEP's interns and related terms in UNBIS, GEMET, and AGROVOC.

The intent is to use this to create related synonyms for SDGIO terms, thereby retrofitting previous annotations in the UN data system with SDGIO terms. It won't be perfect, but it will provide a better start than simple text matching.

Unfortunately, it was not clear that the identifiers (e.g. GEMET links) would have been useful, so we would have to retrieve them programmatically.

Pripp commented 7 years ago

Hi, I am the UNEP intern that did the mapping. Here is some additional information about the methods I used:

In UNBIS I used the "simple search" and whenever there was a match for a word I copy/pasted the synonyms under "used for" into the table. With AGROVOC I used any preferred term suggestion for the given word, and its synonyms listed next to the stop sign. GEMET did not produce many hits for direct synonyms.

Most synonyms should be direct matches, yet in a few cases I recall using an s variation of the key word. Unfortunately I did not highlight these cases. Also, I tried to avoid duplicates of synonyms - meaning that if I first found a synonym in AGROVOC I would not list it under GEMET if the same word was found there as well.