SDG-InterfaceOntology / sdgio

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Represent Goal 15 (sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation and biodiversity loss) #17

Open pbuttigieg opened 8 years ago

pbuttigieg commented 8 years ago

Represent Goal 15

This will be very ENVO-heavy, but will also need content for classes like "management" and "international agreements" from ontologies in the policy domain.

pbuttigieg commented 8 years ago

Many classes discussed in #16. Non-redundant ones will be added below:

Target Key[words, phrases] Target ontologies Notes
15.1 conservation
15.1 restoration
15.1 sustainable use
15.1 terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems ENVO Must ensure that all relevant classes are in ENVO
15.1 ecosystem services ENVO, SDGIO common theme, processes will exist in ENVO and def of ecosystem service will live in SDGIO
15.1 obligations under international agreements SDGIO must be surrendered to a policy ontology
15.2 implementation ? this should probably be unpacked - implementation can be an umbrella term for many processes
15.2 sustainable management SDGIO "management" is the key here
15.2 forests, deforestation, afforestation, reforestation
15.2 degraded forest, PATO, ENVO the quality "degraded" must be created
15.2 remediation, restoration ENVO, SDGIO for degraded environments
15.3 desertification
15.3 (degraded) land, soil ENVO, PATO
15.3 (land degraded by) drought, flood ENVO, SDGIO ENVO has land, flood, and drought, but no class like "land degraded by X". This could be post-composed in SDGIO.
15.3 land-degradation neutral world SDGIO this needs unpacking.
15.4 mountain ecosystems ENVO many classes already present, an exhaustive list (from the UN perspective) would be useful here.
15.4 capacity to provide benefits SDGIO Capacity has an official definition in several glossaries.
15.4 essential for sustainable development SDGIO if these essential entities are defined somewhere, we could represent them as necessary participants in a sustainable development process. Why this is so strongly stated for mountain ecosystems is unclear.
15.5 (degradation of) natural habitats SDGIO, ENVO these are probably environments, but ENVO's habitat branch will soon be able to handle 'habitats'. A list of environments that are considered natural should be referenced.
15.5 biodiversity loss ENVO, PCO the biodiversity of a given environment should be catalogued either as an index or using 'habitats' which feature ecological populations.
15.5 protection (of species) SDGIO as a process
15.5 extinction (of species) ENVO, PCO, SDGIO as a process
15.6 fair and equitable SDGIO This must be surrendered to a legal or policy ontology. Also, where is this defined?
15.6 genetic resources ENVO, PCO, SDGIO, GO @rlwalls2008 we can represent ecological communities in biomes or related environment types, this will require GO or similar to be brought in to represent genetic diversity of communities.
15.6 appropriate access governed by international agreements SDGIO to be surrendered to a policy ontology
15.7 species poaching
15.7 non-human species trafficking
15.7 protected species
15.7 supply and demand SDGIO to be surrendered to an economic ontology
15.7 illegal wildlife product SDGIO, ENVO to be surrendered to an economic ontology
15.8 invasive alien species PCO, ENVO, SDGIO this can leverage the community-determined ecosystems in ENVO and some sort of species inventory, however, some expression of endemism is needed to allow something to be considered 'invasive'
15.8 impact of species on ecosystem NCBITaxon, ENVO, SDGIO?
15.8 "control or eradicate the priority species" NCBITaxon I assume this means the priority invasive species? Where would we find lists of these? We'll need 'ecological population eradication process' and 'ecological population control process' @rlwalls2008 - perhaps these should live in PCO?
15.9 ecosystem and biodiversity value ENVO, SDGIO requires interface with an economic ontology and SEEA
15.9 national and local planning SDGIO, gazetteer
15.9 development process SDGIO
15.9 poverty reduction process SDGIO
15.9 process strategy SDGIO, OBI some sort of planned process
15.9 accounts SDGIO Surrender to economic ontology and link to SEEA
15.a [financial] resource mobilisation SDGIO surrender to policy and economics ontology
15.a sustainable management of forests SDGIO, ENVO
15.a "use biodiversity and ecosystems" SDGIO, ENVO, PCO? Linked closely to ecosystem services, perhaps ESs are sufficient to represent this.
15.b incentive
15.b developing country
15.c 'global support ' SDGIO
15.c capacity of local communities SDGIO, PCO, gazetteers @rlwalls2008 local communities can be expressed with a combination of geolocation and PCO
15.c sustainable livelihood SDGIO this must be linked to the activities of the employers, when appropriate and "sustainable" qualified.
cmungall commented 8 years ago

biodiversity loss would be a process - ENVO or PCO?

pbuttigieg commented 8 years ago

biodiversity loss would be a process - ENVO or PCO?

Probably ENVO, as we usually speak of the biodiversity of some instance of an ENVO class (or even a gazetteer entry). That being said, the richness (rather than the diversity: we don't have abundance data to calculate evenness) of a PCO ecological community can be used too.

ramonawalls commented 8 years ago

I agree that the classes you listed for PCO are relevant there.