Updated the status message, deleted the full search string URL - this should be replaced at the end
Target 13.1
added "assessment" as search term along side plan, strategies etc. to include research about risk assessment, both action and topic (#107)
Target 13.2
Edited the interpretation to clarify that all elements included should be seen in relation to national policies, strategies and planning, both action and topic approach (#82)
Target 13.3
Edited interpretation and documentation. The interpretation now allows for a wider search string, and states that research on vulnerability and climate change is relevant (#83). The documentation includes a definition of mitigation (#85) and a UNEP source for this in the footnotes.
Added variants of storage, capture and sequestration in combinations with GHGs and with specific gases. Also added "carbon" to the list of gases to capture titles with "carbon storage", "carbon sequestration" etc. (#106)
Target 13.a
Edited interpretation, documentation and search strings in 13.a, both action and topic, to address several issues that came up in testing(#84), (#132), (#133), (#134)
13.1 - I can only find the term "assess" not assessment (or assess*) - which should be used here?
13.2 - I've made an edit to the interpretation - particularly as phrases 1 and 2 are merged in topic
13.3 - The interpretation was identical for topic and action- I've edited action to reflect the string ("improving or capacity for climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction or early warning"). I've also suggested a reordering/and reformatting of the documentation to make it a bit less of a wall-of-text. I have moved the definition of capacity to 13.b, since it is still used there but no longer in 3.3.
13.a - Changes aren't documented in much detail, which is ok, but we need to keep that in mind when editing python
13.a - The string elements in phrase 2 didn't seem right, have edited.
13.a - "climate" is treated separately to "mitigation OR green" in phrases 2 and 3, but I'm not sure why - I have edited to combine these, what do you think? see commit
13.a - issue #133 - only low carbon has been added, was "sustainable development" considered?
13.a - issue #132 - was financ* considered instead of financing?
Edit SDG13
Target 13.1
Target 13.2
Target 13.3
Target 13.a