SDGforskning / sdg-strings

Search strings for finding SDG-related works per goal and target (python script, WoS search strategy)
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Interpretation suggestion SDG13 - Target a #134

Closed EliSeland closed 9 months ago

EliSeland commented 1 year ago

SDG: 13 Target:a

Suggestion: Consider re-writing the interpretation and/or the documentation for this one.

Reason: Not quite clear what the interpretation means should be covered. We have expanded the scope compared to the very specific target - but how much? Should private investments etc. be covered? The point about "investment climate" etc. - is it still valid after the last part of the phrase (cliamte changing, global warming etc.) has been included?

Caroline-A commented 1 year ago

String suggestion which takes into account issues #132 and #133 - now includes "green" and "low carbon" (but not sustainable development - too broad with "green"). Also added "climate investment$". Also allowed specific climate funds to stand alone. "climate" + funding etc. has been removed - unsure of this, but it seemed to add a lot of noise.

Suggested new interpretation:

"Research about climate funding or investment/financing of climate mitigation (e.g. the green climate fund); or research about climate change and green investment/financing (e.g. investment in green innovation for low-carbon technology). These topics are considered relevant if they are:

Specific climate funds for LMICs

TS=("green climate fund" OR "Least Developed Countries Fund" OR "Special Climate Change Fund")
    ("transparency" OR "accountability" OR "governance" OR "allocation$" OR "misallocation" OR "corruption"
    OR "operationali*" OR "capitali*" OR "mobilis*" OR "mobiliz*"
    OR "contribut*" OR "commitment$" OR "negotiation$"
    OR ("financial mechanism" NEAR/15 ("UNFCCC" OR "convention"))
    OR "donor$" OR "donation$" OR "donate"
        ("climate financ*" OR "climate aid" OR "climate loan$" OR "climate fund*" OR "climate bond$" OR "climate investment$"
        OR "green climate fund" OR "Least Developed Countries Fund" OR "LDCF" OR "Special Climate Change Fund" OR "SCCF" OR "adaptation fund$" OR "adaptation financ*"
         OR ("climate" NEAR/15 (("international" OR "development" OR "foreign") NEAR/3 ("aid" OR "assistance" OR "finance" OR "grant$" OR "investment$"))) 
OR (("mitigat*" OR "green")
              ("financing" OR "fund" OR "funds" OR "funding" OR "investment$" OR "invest" OR "investor$" OR "investing"
              OR (("economic" OR "financial*" or "monetary") NEAR/3 ("support*" or "assist*" OR "resources"))
              OR "ODA" OR "cooperation fund$" OR "development spending"
              OR (("international" OR "development" OR "foreign") NEAR/3 ("aid" OR "assistance" OR "finance" OR "grant$" OR "investment$"))
  )  AND
      ("climate change" OR "global warming" OR "climate action" OR "climate mitigation" OR "climate adaptation"
      OR "climate financ*" OR "climate aid" OR "climate loan$" OR "climate fund*" OR "climate bond$"
      OR "green climate fund" OR "Least Developed Countries Fund" OR "LDCF" OR "Special Climate Change Fund" OR "SCCF" OR "adaptation fund$" OR "adaptation financ*" OR "low carbon"
    ("annex II party" OR "annex II parties" OR "developed countr*" OR "developed nation$" OR "OECD"
    OR "least developed countr*" OR "least developed nation$"
    OR "developing countr*" OR "developing nation$" OR "developing states" OR "developing world"
    OR "less developed countr*" OR "less developed nation$"
    OR "under developed countr*" OR "under developed nation$" OR "underdeveloped countr*" OR "underdeveloped nation$"
    OR "underserved countr*" OR "underserved nation$"
    OR "deprived countr*" OR "deprived nation$"
    OR "middle income countr*" OR "middle income nation$"
    OR "low income countr*" OR "low income nation$" OR "lower income countr*" OR "lower income nation$"
    OR "poor countr*" OR "poor nation$" OR "poorer countr*" OR "poorer nation$"
    OR "lmic" OR "lmics" OR "third world" OR "global south" OR "lami countr*" OR "transitional countr*" OR "emerging economies" OR "emerging nation$"
    OR "Angola*" OR "Benin" OR "beninese" OR "Burkina Faso" OR "Burkina fasso" OR "burkinese" OR "burkinabe" OR "Burundi*" OR "Central African Republic" OR "Chad" OR "Comoros" OR "comoro islands" OR "iles comores" OR "Congo" OR "congolese" OR "Djibouti*" OR "Eritrea*" OR "Ethiopia*" OR "Gambia*" OR "Guinea" OR "Guinea-Bissau" OR "guinean" OR "Lesotho" OR "lesothan*" OR "Liberia*" OR "Madagasca*" OR "Malawi*" OR "Mali" OR "malian" OR "Mauritania*" OR "Mozambique" OR "mozambican$" OR "Niger" OR "Rwanda*" OR "Sao Tome and Principe" OR "Senegal*" OR "Sierra Leone*" OR "Somalia*" OR "South Sudan" OR "Sudan" OR "sudanese" OR "Togo" OR "togolese" OR "tongan" OR "Uganda*" OR "Tanzania*" OR "Zambia*" OR "Cambodia*" OR "Kiribati*" OR "Lao People’s democratic republic" OR "Laos" OR "Myanmar" OR "myanma" OR "Solomon islands" OR "Timor Leste" OR "Tuvalu*" OR "Vanuatu*" OR "Afghanistan" OR "afghan$" OR "Bangladesh*" OR "Bhutan*" OR "Nepal*" OR "Yemen*" OR "Haiti*"
    OR "Antigua and Barbuda" OR "Antigua & Barbuda" OR "antiguan$" OR "Bahamas" OR "Bahrain" OR "Barbados" OR "Belize" OR "Cabo Verde" OR "Cape Verde" OR "Comoros" OR "comoro islands" OR "iles comores" OR "Cuba" OR "cuban$" OR "Dominica*" OR "Dominican Republic" OR "Micronesia*" OR "Fiji" OR "fijian$" OR "Grenada*" OR "Guinea-Bissau" OR "Guyana*" OR "Haiti*" OR "Jamaica*" OR "Kiribati*" OR "Maldives" OR "maldivian$" OR "Marshall Islands" OR "Mauritius" OR "mauritian$" OR "Nauru*" OR "Palau*" OR "Papua New Guinea*" OR "Saint Kitts and Nevis" OR "st kitts and nevis" OR "Saint Lucia*" OR "St Lucia*" OR "Vincent and the Grenadines" OR "Vincent & the Grenadines" OR "Samoa*" OR "Sao Tome" OR "Seychelles" OR "seychellois*" OR "Singapore*" OR "Solomon Islands" OR "Surinam*" OR "Timor-Leste" OR "timorese" OR "Tonga*" OR "Trinidad and Tobago" OR "Trinidad & Tobago" OR "trinidadian$" OR "tobagonian$" OR "Tuvalu*" OR "Vanuatu*" OR "Anguilla*" OR "Aruba*" OR "Bermuda*" OR "Cayman Islands" OR "Northern Mariana$" OR "Cook Islands" OR "Curacao" OR "French Polynesia*" OR "Guadeloupe*" OR "Guam" OR "Martinique" OR "Montserrat" OR "New Caledonia*" OR "Niue" OR "Puerto Rico" OR "puerto rican" OR "Sint Maarten" OR "Turks and Caicos" OR "Turks & Caicos" OR "Virgin Islands"
    OR "Afghanistan" OR "afghan*" OR "Armenia*" OR "Azerbaijan*" OR "Bhutan" OR "bhutanese" OR "Bolivia*" OR "Botswana*" OR "Burkina Faso" OR "Burundi" OR "Central African Republic" OR "Chad" OR "Eswatini" OR "eswantian" OR "Ethiopia*" OR "Kazakhstan*" OR "kazakh" OR "Kyrgyzstan" OR "Kyrgyz*" OR "kirghizia" OR "kirgizstan" OR "Lao People’s Democratic Republic" OR "Laos" OR "Lesotho" OR "Malawi" OR "malawian" OR "Mali" OR "Mongolia*" OR "Nepal*" OR "Niger" OR "North Macedonia" OR "Republic of Macedonia" OR "Paraguay" OR "Moldova*" OR "Rwanda$" OR "South Sudan" OR "sudanese" OR "Swaziland" OR "Tajikistan" OR "tadjikistan" OR "tajikistani$" OR "Turkmenistan" OR "Uganda*" OR "Uzbekistan" OR "uzbekistani$" OR "Zambia" OR "zambian$" OR "Zimbabwe*"
    OR "albania*" OR "algeria*" OR "angola*" OR "argentina*" OR "azerbaijan*" OR "bahrain*" OR "belarus*" OR "byelarus*" OR "belorussia" OR "belize*" OR "honduras" OR "honduran" OR "dahomey" OR "bosnia*" OR "herzegovina*" OR "botswana*" OR "bechuanaland" OR "brazil*" OR "brasil*" OR "bulgaria*" OR "upper volta" OR "kampuchea" OR "khmer republic" OR "cameroon*" OR "cameroun" OR "ubangi shari" OR "chile*" OR "china" OR "chinese" OR "colombia*" OR "costa rica*" OR "cote d’ivoire" OR "cote divoire" OR "cote d ivoire" OR "ivory coast" OR "croatia*" OR "cyprus" OR "cypriot" OR "czech" OR "ecuador*" OR "egypt*" OR "united arab republic" OR "el salvador*" OR "estonia*" OR "eswatini" OR "swaziland" OR "swazi" OR "gabon" OR "gabonese" OR "gabonaise" OR "gambia*" OR "ghana*" OR "gibralta*" OR "greece" OR "greek" OR "honduras" OR "honduran$" OR "hungary" OR "hungarian$" OR "india" OR "indian$" OR "indonesia*" OR "iran" OR "iranian$" OR "iraq" OR "iraqi$" OR "isle of man" OR "jordan" OR "jordanian$" OR "kenya*" OR "korea*" OR "kosovo" OR "kosovan$" OR "latvia*" OR "lebanon" OR "lebanese" OR "libya*" OR "lithuania*" OR "macau" OR "macao" OR "macanese" OR "malagasy" OR "malaysia*" OR "malay federation" OR "malaya federation" OR "malta" OR "maltese" OR "mauritania" OR "mauritanian$" OR "mexico" OR "mexican$" OR "montenegr*" OR "morocco" OR "moroccan$" OR "namibia*" OR "netherlands antilles" OR "nicaragua*" OR "nigeria*" OR "oman" OR "omani$" OR "muscat" OR "pakistan*" OR "panama*" OR "papua new guinea*" OR "peru" OR "peruvian$" OR "philippine$" OR "philipine$" OR "phillipine$" OR "phillippine$" OR "filipino$" OR "filipina$" OR "poland" OR "polish" OR "portugal" OR "portugese" OR "romania*" OR "russia" OR "russian$" OR "polynesia*" OR "saudi arabia*" OR "serbia*" OR "slovakia*" OR "slovak republic" OR "slovenia*" OR "melanesia*" OR "south africa*" OR "sri lanka*" OR "dutch guiana" OR "netherlands guiana" OR "syria" OR "syrian$" OR "thailand" OR "thai" OR "tunisia*" OR "ukraine" OR "ukrainian$" OR "uruguay*" OR "venezuela*" OR "vietnam*" OR "west bank" OR "gaza" OR "palestine" OR "palestinian$" OR "yugoslavia*" OR "turkish" OR "turkey" OR "georgia*"
        ("climate financ*" OR "climate aid" OR "climate loan$" OR "climate fund*" OR "climate bond$" OR "climate investment$"
        OR "green climate fund" OR "Least Developed Countries Fund" OR "LDCF" OR "Special Climate Change Fund" OR "SCCF" OR "adaptation fund$" OR "adaptation financ*"
        OR ("climate" NEAR/15 (("international" OR "development" OR "foreign") NEAR/3 ("aid" OR "assistance" OR "finance" OR "grant$" OR "investment$")))
OR (("mitigat*" OR "green")
              ("financing" OR "fund" OR "funds" OR "funding" OR "investment$" OR "invest" OR "investor$" OR "investing"
              OR (("financial*" or "monetary") NEAR/3 ("support*" or "assist*" OR "resources")) OR "economic support" OR "economic resources"
              OR "ODA" OR "cooperation fund$" OR "development spending"
              OR (("international" OR "development" OR "foreign") NEAR/3 ("aid" OR "assistance" OR "finance" OR "grant$" OR "investment$"))
  )  AND
      ("climate change" OR "global warming" OR "climate action" OR "climate mitigation" OR "climate adaptation"
      OR "climate financ*" OR "climate aid" OR "climate loan$" OR "climate fund*" OR "climate bond$"
      OR "green climate fund" OR "Least Developed Countries Fund" OR "LDCF" OR "Special Climate Change Fund" OR "SCCF" OR "adaptation fund$" OR "adaptation financ*" OR "low carbon"