SDGforskning / sdg-strings

Search strings for finding SDG-related works per goal and target (python script, WoS search strategy)
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Term change suggestion SDG12.4 - [safety, safely] #150

Closed Caroline-A closed 9 months ago

Caroline-A commented 1 year ago

SDG: 12

Target & phrase: 12.4 phrase 1

Suggested term/change: In addition to "safe", add "safely" and "safety"

Reason: Finds many additional results

Caroline-A commented 1 year ago

Also consider adding "utilis" OR "utiliz" (not truncated more due to e.g. utilities)

Caroline-A commented 1 year ago

Also: Phrases 1 and 2. There are different terms used for management. Could some of these be reused in each string (those not specific to waste?). For example, labelling and transport should also apply to chemicals?

Phrase 1: "management" OR "life cycle" OR ("life" NEAR/3 "cycle$") OR "cradle to cradle" OR "cradle-to-cradle" OR "end of life" OR "disposal" OR "transport" OR "process" OR "storage" OR "storing" OR "stored" OR "use" OR "use$" OR "using" OR "utilie$" OR "production"

Phrase 2: "management" OR "handling" OR "packaging" OR "labelling" OR "storing" OR "disposal" OR "dispose$" OR "incinerat" OR "combust" OR "collection" OR "collect$" OR "collected" OR "transport*" OR "treatment" OR "processing" OR "processed" OR "end of life" OR "end of chain" OR "sorting" OR "sort$" OR "sorted"

Suggestion (python):

"life cycle.*", "lifecycle.*", "cradle to cradle", "cradle-to-cradle", "end of life", "end of chain",
"management", "handling", "packaging", "labelling", "storing", "storage", "stored",
"disposal", "dispose", "transport.*", "process.*", 
CHEMICALS ONLY:  "use", "uses", "usage", "using", "utilis.*", "utiliz.*", "production",
WASTE ONLY: "incinerat.*", "combust.*", "collect.*",  "treatment", "processing", "processed", "sorting", "sorted"

Consider letting "cradle to cradle", "cradle-to-cradle", "end of life", "end of chain", stand alone, WITHOUT sustinable etc, as they already reflect these concepts.

Caroline-A commented 1 year ago

Phrase 2: The long terms for the conventions are superfluous. Should terms for by-products be added to the "waste" terms (e.g. so that a work about recycling by-products would be found?)

Caroline-A commented 1 year ago

Phrase 1: Consider seeing if terms such as "pest management" and "disease management" can be excluded in some way (some results about management of diseases using fungicides, rather than management of the fungicides themselves, e.g. 10.1080/15592324.2023.2214765)

Edit: Hard to do without losing relevant works. A lot talk both about pest management, but also management of the pesticides too. Can't be solved with a NOT search.